If I disappear for a few days (especially for those of you that i talk to regularly over MSN), I am soooooo sick. I think it's the flu. this sucks. ::sniffle::
I realized I hadn't posted my thoughts on the Dark Campout. In one word: FABULOUS. I haven't had that much fun at a campout in a while. Really wish I would have at least ditched some, but I was nursing a bit of a hangover on Saturday from chaoticbeauty and I starting waaaaaay early on Friday. It wasn't terrible, just didn't feel like fighting
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For those who don't know, I applied for an Automation Support job at Intel (where I already work) about 2 months ago. I finally heard back from the hiring manager from Automation. Looks like I have the job and I'll be starting as soon as I return from sabbatical. Yay for me! :D
105 fun questions, stolen from auroraselene... 1. Copy this whole list into your journal. 2. Bold/underline the things that are true about you. 3. Whatever you don't bold/underline is false. 4. Add your own at the bottom of the list ( Click me )
and an update from the world of "sabbatical". It's strange. It took me 2 weeks to get used to the fact that I don't have to return to work for *2 whole months*. For those who don't know, every 7 years Intel gives their employees a 2 month vacation called a sabbatical. It's supposed to refresh us. It's doing it's job... now
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ohk, all the stupid LJ quizzes that i haven't done yet are below:
kojishi's LJ stalker is xenedra!xenedra is stalking you because they saw your picture and fell in love.. They are also leaving anonymous abuse on your journal!
I decided after Christmas and New Year's that I was tired of being over-weight and out of shape. I've been dieting for about the last 2 or so months, and I started an exercise regiment about a week ago
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nothing going on... this term is almost over and i couldn't be happier. cat's are ticking me off, tho. last night they decided that they were going to make a loaf of bread a play toy and spread it all over the house. walking out of my room to half a loaf of wheat bread in front of my door doesn't make me happy
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