Title: Take Care of You
Rating: PG13 (Gen)
Characters: Sam, Dean, John, Bobby
Disclaimer: Still not mine, just playing.
Note: Some conversations taken directly from the episode - and I don't really know if that's okay. I know I'm having trouble with my 'tenses' ...and it's hurting my brain. **Thanks to Ziggy.uk for nudging me to continue posting
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Comments 9
vomiting blood? That's definitely not a good sign. Sam needs to get that checked out and fast. :)
I know I've been slack in keeping in touch lately. What can I say, school's killing me, but I know that's no excuse.
I promise to be a better friend:)
Fantastic chapter. Love how it is tied in with IMTOD plus going a little AU with Sam vomiting blood and definitely not okay, a fact with the nurse also noticed. If Sam doesn't start to take it easier things could get bad for the youngest Winchester, but with Dean barely hanging on there is no way Sam is going to let up.
Love your writing and this chapter didn't disappoint. So looking forward to more and hope you do decide to resurrect this on ff.net at some point.
And please let me know when you post the next chapter as would hate to miss it.
I have to admit, ff.net scares me at the moment, so (if I post my writing) I just post to this journal. That way, I figure only people that want to read it have to, and then there's no excuse for weird or unfriendly comments. One day I hope to be brave again, but at the moment I'm happy being a writer in the "closet", so to speak.
I can't wait to see what happens next :)
I love this story so much.
I haven't abandoned this fic, I'm just weighed down by real life at the moment.
I love this story and I hope that you update it soon.
I'm not familiar with LJ and it took me a while to get around to this one.
Been reading your stories from ff.net for a long time now, love them. Hope to see you come back there someday!
Thank you for writing!
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