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SmartRider control group invitation
SmartRider is Transperth’s new integrated electronic ticketing system that will replace the current MultiRider ticketing system in April 2006.
A SmartRider control group has been testing the new ticketing system since 16 October 2005. To further test the system, Transperth is seeking an additional 5,000 frequent Transperth users to join the existing control group. The 5,000 users will comprise a mix of 1,500 standard users, 200 seniors, 1,600 students, 1,700 other concession and also users with disabilities.
Applications will be considered on a first-come, first-serve basis. Once the quotas are filled, no more applications will be considered.
In the event that your registration is not accepted, you will be notified immediately and you will not be able to re-register.
Existing control group members do not need to re-register to continue as control group participants.
As a member of the control group you would need to:
Use Transperth services at least three times each week during the trial.
Be able to participate in the control group from approximately 23 January 2006 until 12 February 2006. At this point, control group members will be invited to continue using SmartRider as the system’s first official users.
Be contactable via email.
Purchase your SmartRider card (if you do not already have one) from any Transperth InfoCentre or authorised SmartRider Retail Outlet (locations outlined in the SmartRider information pack). The card purchase fee for SmartRider is $10 for standard users and $5 for concession users. This card purchase fee will be refunded following the conclusion of the trial (approximately late-February).
Add value to your SmartRider card before you can begin using it travel on Transperth. The fare value that you use throughout the trial will be refunded back to your card following the conclusion of the control group trial. The minimum add value amount is $10.
Complete a participant feedback form at the end of the control group trial.
If your application is successful and you are added to the SmartRider control group:
An information kit will be sent to you in the post. This information kit will include a control group ID sticker that you must adhere to your SmartRider card to identify you as a control group participant.
The SmartRider card that you use during the control group can continue to be used following the conclusion of the trial.
Control group participants are requested to report issues encountered when using SmartRider to the Transperth InfoLine on 13 62 13 or via email at NOTE: Transperth will not respond individually to feedback but will use this feedback to identify issues so that these can be rectified as soon as possible.
Interested in becoming a member of the SmartRider control group? Go to
TravelEasy Administration
NOTE: is an unmanned email address. Please do not reply to this email. For service information contact the Transperth InfoLine on 13 62 13 (TTY: 9428 1999) or email