I went to the local "role play" store in town (yes my town has a role play store! xD ). I've been there before this week and asked if it was possible to hire a rapier for the musical.
As it turns out, they gave it to me, free of charge! And it's mine to keep until the musical is over! ^^ They were so nice and kind and generous!
The idea is that Franz- Joseph will wear this in his belt during a few formal scenes, such as the wedding and the crownation (I also want to use it in the final scene with Death and Franz). I think it's perfect for Franz- Jospeh! ^^
At the time when the musical takes place the Austrian court followed the strict rules of the "Spannish ettiquet" and to make the cotume for the musical as correct as possible I've studied it some. The spannish ettiquett required a man to wear his rapier almost anywhere he went. And when seeking the "company" of his wife he had to wear "a feathered hat, his rapier, and a flagon with water". o,O