Title: Two Little Sweethearts
Pairings: USUK
Rating: T
Warnings: Mentions of sex
Summary: Alfred and Arthur promise to tone down their PDA, but it might just drive Alfred to the brink of patience.
For day one of the Sweetheart's Week event at the
usxuk community.
Blue eyes stared longingly into green eyes. A hand caressed one cheek and another slid up a shirt. One of them giggled nervously making the other smile. They were close enough their breaths mingled.
"Oh, Alfred. You're such a sap," Arthur whispered. He continued to stare at him affectionately.
"Yeah, but you love me." Alfred kissed Arthur on the lips. His arms wrapped securely around Arthur's waist. He nearly pulled him into his lap had Arthur not put a hand on his chest to stop him.
"Really, my dear," Arthur breathed with a smile. His face was a deep shade of crimson. "Behave yourself."
"Yeah, seriously," Gilbert's voice popped the couple's bubble. Noise from the school's cafeteria rushed back to them as if the volume had been turned up with a knob. Colors that had been muted before were slowly coming back. A trio of friends sat across from the overly affectionate couple looking obviously uncomfortable and upset.
"You two need to get a room," Gilbert grumbled. He took a drink of his soda. "This is getting out of hand."
"Aw, it's not that bad," Alfred commented. He returned his hands to himself. Arthur slid back into his own seat, still red in the face.
"It is a bit obscene," Kiku agreed. "Maybe you two should…"
"What our Asian friend is trying to say is, we're tired of you two nearly gettin' it on every day!" Gilbert complained, slamming his soda down.
"And at home," Alfred's brother, Matthew, quipped. "Even our parents were thinking of having a talk with you two about it."
Alfred threw his hands up in frustration. "I can't help my hormones! I'm sixteen, dating a sexy Senior, and I'm horny!"
Other students looked over in disgust and amusements. Arthur put a hand on Alfred's arm. "Perhaps we should tone it down some?"
"Aw man, not you too!" Alfred crossed his arms and pouted. "This isn't fair. I wouldn't care if you three got girlfriends, or whatever, and started sucking face with them!"
"But that's the point. We don't and it's…odd to see you two do it so freely," Kiku explained.
"Half the time you two don't even talk to us." Gilbert glared at Alfred over the rim of his soda can.
"I apologize," Arthur said sincerely. "I had no idea it was so upsetting. I will curb myself."
Alfred sighed loudly in agitation, earning him a jab in the side from Arthur. The upperclassman gave Alfred a warning look. "Tch. Fine. I'll behave at school."
"And home," Matthew tacked on. Alfred opened his mouth to argue, but Matthew stressed, "And home."
The school bell rang. The group of friends gathered their empty plates to deposit them in the trash. Arthur and Alfred's were still quite full, though. Matthew raised an eyebrow at his brother. Alfred's growth spurt had hit him hard two years ago, and it was still going strong. He usually ate everything in sight, and then complained how he was still hungry.
"Wow, I forgot I had food here," Alfred said in disbelief. He smirked at Arthur. "See what you do to me, babe."
Arthur looked at him unimpressed. Then, in one swift move, Alfred grabbed his hamburger and ate it whole. Arthur continued to watch him with little interest. A normal boyfriend might worry about choking, but Arthur was quite used to it. That, and he knew just how talented Alfred was with his mouth.
Alfred let out a small burp of approval before smiling at Arthur. "Ready?"
He leaned in to kiss Arthur, but the Englishman took a few steps back with his hands up. "Honestly, Alfred…"
"Op, wait, that's right. I can't. Sorry." Alfred backed away as well with a sheepish grin on his face.
Arthur frowned. "No, Alfred, that's not-"
"Nope! You made me agree!" Alfred began to walk backwards to an exit, waving at Arthur. "See ya during Math in next period!"
Math was excruciating. The couple always sat with Alfred behind Arthur so he could play footsie with him or lean forward when the teacher looked away to kiss at the back of his neck. Alfred was a good student, though. He focused on Math well enough to skip two levels up. However, he was still easily distracted.
Today he was a nervous wreck. He drummed his fingers on his desk, fidgeted in his seat every so often, and was unable to look past Arthur's blond hair. Arthur's head bobbed up and down as he looked from the white board down to his notebook to take notes. Alfred imagined his legs were spread open and that head was making those same motions on his-
Alfred was startled out of his wet dreams. The teacher was glaring impatiently at him. Arthur had turned in his seat with an eyebrow raised. A few of the other students were looking as well.
"Um… 69?" Alfred tried. Arthur shook his head, turning back around. The students in the classroom began to giggle. Alfred flushed in embarrassment.
"No, Alfred," the teacher said, displeased. "Maybe if you stopped looking at your boyfriend with your eyes glazed over, you'd actually learn something."
Alfred saw Arthur's neck go red as he scuttled down in his seat. He wanted to reach out and kiss it, but he couldn't. So instead he put his head down on the desk and wished he'd never made that dumb promise. He was a physical guy. This was torture to him. Before Arthur he'd never really had the problem. Of course, he hugged his family more than anyone when at home and he loved to pat his friend's backs randomly, but the intensity of his desire to touch and be touched was inflamed upon meeting Arthur Kirkland.
By the end of the day Alfred was wound tight with desire. He was so used to having already had his fill of Arthur's body. To make matters worse, Arthur was to come over and tutor Alfred in English. While he may be brilliant in equations, he was rather lack-luster in dissecting books and then constructing an essay on them. And Matthew would be home, meaning Alfred would have to be on his best behavior.
Arthur already had his car and driver's license, so on the days he came over, Alfred and Matthew would catch a ride home with him. Alfred always took shotgun, but today he opted to sit in the back. He sometimes rubbed Arthur's leg on the drive home to tease him. Given how close he felt to snapping, he felt it was for the best that he put distance between him and Arthur.
"Are you all right?" Arthur asked when Alfred climbed into the backseat.
"Hm? Yeah." He buckled up and smiled up at Matthew who had turned around in his seat in the front. "Just, you never know what I could do if I'm close to you, right? Haha!"
Arthur frowned again, much like when they were in the cafeteria. "Alfred, that's-"
"So, let's get going!"
Arthur sighed in resignation. He turned back around and started the car up. Matthew continued to stare at Alfred for a bit before he too turned back around. Alfred noticed that Arthur sent him a few looks in the rearview mirror now and again, but for the most part he seemed completely fine.
It wasn't fair how Arthur could keep his cool all day. He never looked out of sorts at this distance. Maybe he didn't love Alfred as much as he had claimed. Maybe this wasn't such a big deal to him because he felt overwhelmed by Alfred's constant touching. Maybe he was glad to have some space. Alfred looked down into his lap as he mulled over these disastrous thoughts. Would this mean the end?
The drive home usually took ten minutes, but in Alfred's head that day it felt like hours. He had fallen into a foul mood upon arriving home. Matthew instantly went up to his room as he didn't need help from Arthur in English. The Jones' wouldn't be home for another hour. Alfred could take this opportunity of solitude to release all of his pent up desire to touch and kiss Arthur, but he didn't. He was too worried that he had suffocated Arthur.
"How about we start right away?" Alfred offered. He sat at the kitchen table and dumped all of his textbooks onto the table. "Oops!"
Arthur looked at him with his eyebrows furrowed. "What is with you today?"
"Butterfingers," Alfred tried in a joking tone. He shoved all of the books onto the floor, only to bend down and retrieve his English book. He blanched at the cover as he straightened up. "Ugh, this stuff is so boring."
"Would you rather we didn't?" Arthur asked taking a step forward. Alfred took a step back. Arthur frowned. "What is going on, Alfred Jones? Why are you acting like this?"
"I'm not acting like anything," Alfred said curtly as he took a seat. "I'm just doing as everyone wanted."
"No, you're not." Arthur put his bag down and stepped up to the table. "You're avoiding me on purpose."
"That's what everyone wanted, though!" Alfred exclaimed.
Arthur rolled his eyes and sighed. "No, they wanted us to tone it down. Not ever touch."
"But if I touch you, I'll want more." Alfred looked down at his hands, imagining he was feeling Arthur's skin under his fingers. "You're so… You're like the best kind of chocolate in the world. I want to constantly have you. It's like… I'm afraid if I don't, then this won't be real and you won't really love me…"
"Alfred…" Arthur sounded touched.
"But, you're the one who doesn't mind," Alfred continued. He closed his eyes. "I'm suffocating you, isn't it? That's why you're not all worked up, like me. You can keep calm and such. Because I'm not…a big deal."
Arthur clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth. "Silly boy." He came over and lifted Alfred's head up. He then leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips. Alfred's eyes remained open. If he closed the, he'd sink into that feeling and never want to leave. Arthur pulled back, but remained close enough that his hot breath ghosted over Alfred's lips. "Of course you're a 'big deal'. My dear, do you think I didn't miss all of the silly things you do to me? You're the one who caresses my neck to remind me that I'm there in Math. You're the one who seeks me out in the middle of the day and runs to hug and kiss me in front of the entire population, not caring who sees us, just so you can say you missed me? You're the one that I think about all day and can't wait to hold in my arms again."
Alfred cocked an eyebrow. "But…at lunch. You moved away."
"Because you had just burped," Arthur replied with a monotone. "You think I'd want to kiss you after that?"
Alfred flushed slightly. "Ah, yeah… Um, but what about you being so cool and such?"
"Just because I am on the outside doesn't mean I am on the inside." Arthur moved to sit in Alfred's lap, and then ran a hand through his hair. He smirked with a devious glint to his eyes. "I'm older than you and have slightly better control of my emotions than you."
"So…you still want my hot bod?" Alfred asked for clarification.
"Oh yes," Arthur purred. Alfred leaned in with a sly smile, but Arthur stopped him with a hand on his mouth. "But, we did promise, dear."
Alfred leaned his head back with a groan. "But I don't know how to handle it!"
"Dear, we can still hold hands and kissing me- kissing, not snogging- is fine. Our friends would just like a chance to have some time to talk with us and not watch as we enjoy ourselves while they're left out."
"Huh… I hadn't thought of it that way before." Arthur kissed Arthur's cheek. "Okay then. No hands down pants or tongues down throats unless we're alone."
Arthur nodded. "Good. It'll make those times when we can get intimate all the more personal."
Alfred grinned as if he were hiding some cunning secret. "Sounds good to me. So, can we not do English for an hour and go fuck in the guest room down in the basement?"
Arthur simply nipped at Alfred's lips in response. He was then hoisted up in Alfred's arms. He wrapped his legs around his waist. They laughed as Alfred hurried off to the guest room.
Hoshiko2's cents: I had no idea how to end this, actually. So yay for a quick ending!
Day 1 of the Sweethearts Event.