Title: Two Little Sweethearts Pairing: USUK Rating: K Warning: None (really bad attempts to make something look good) Summary: Alfred tries to wait for twelve years, but he's imperfect. For day six of the Sweetheart's Week event at the
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Really, sweetie, your stories are so cute that I just had to write a positive feedback. Thank you for all your fics, they are nice and cute (and sometimes very sad) <3
If you did the original one, I would've cried. Q nQ
I felt a bit sorry for Al and Art there, but at least Arthur was forgiven. The feelings this one gives me is just sdfjasjdfg. ; u;
(Sorry if I kinda disappeared for a while! I forgot that it was Sweethearts week and when I went to check my inbox, I was flooded with tons and tons of entries that I didn't have the time to properly criticise!)
Comments 2
Really, sweetie, your stories are so cute that I just had to write a positive feedback. Thank you for all your fics, they are nice and cute (and sometimes very sad) <3
Please, never stop writing.
I felt a bit sorry for Al and Art there, but at least Arthur was forgiven. The feelings this one gives me is just sdfjasjdfg. ; u;
(Sorry if I kinda disappeared for a while! I forgot that it was Sweethearts week and when I went to check my inbox, I was flooded with tons and tons of entries that I didn't have the time to properly criticise!)
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