Playing PSO now, eh? Only question is what class is your character.....that should be not so very hard to do with a RAmar, or even a RAcast provided you have enough healing items and are good at dodging enemies.
RAmarl, Whitill. And it was done with some help from another character, Donated items, and whatnot. And, no, it's not online. Though some of it, like the two Perfect/Resists were earned with this character. Also, getting through the creatures is easy enough. I've been able to do that with NO problem for a while now. The hard part is getting past Dark Falz. Only managed it because of two God/HPs, and two Perfect/Resists.
Oh yeah, RAmarl, almost forgot about that since I haven't tried it yet. Heh, I picked up the GC PSO ep 2 a while after it was released here in the US and cleared up to V-hard with my FOmar, then started a HUnewearl and cleared up to V-hard as well.....then I got into FFXI and haven't really done much with PSO since. Still a fun game though, but I just wish more new stuff had been added since the original ep 1 for DC.
Have you heard about the new one?? Not Episode 3, Card Revolution, but the new PC one. Blue Burst, or something like that?? It's supposed to be pretty much like Episode 1 and 2, but with extra stuff, and better graphics.
Yeah, I read a bit on that the other day, the part I REALLY like is all the character data is going to be serverside.....meaning no more lameass fucktards twinking their characters with hacked items offline, and no more screwing up other people's characters with "NOL" codes and such.
Comments 10
Though what's this stuff about "NOL" codes?? I haven't been able to play online at all, so...
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