01/10/06 - Vix's/Jenny's Party
We begin, with Markham.
Mel, looking at something.
He starts the drink he does
Hannah also delves in
But then hides behind Vix
Another one of Mel.
He looks like he's begging...
Laugh mel...
No, not tongue
Mel + Vix
Nat + Vix
10/08/06 - Milne's Party/My Bday
Jenny and Mel (Lurves the straw)
GUy looks worried
Blurry Vix 1
Blurry Vix 2
Just Plain Vix
Mel. Working it
Mel, Vix and Guy
And again
Guy and his bitches Jen and Vix
Ben and Jen (Almost like the ice cream)
11/10/07 - 18?/10/06 NewGay (I'm not in these)
Mark and a scared stare
Jen on a bus
He looks deranged
Now just plain angry
People in the sea
The lads can't take the sun
Nat looks happy.
GO West my son
Grey hoodies for all
What you don't see is ben inserting something off camera...
What is he doing?
They get bored here
Really bored...
REALLY bored
I mean come on!?
Newquay in it's glory.
They look proud in their cave
Milne writes in the sand...
Boys Smell throw rocks at them...
FIght the wind!
Mark looks down on us from the sky
Fight it Emma! Fight it!
Todays story children...
He's defying gravity
Haha she'll kill me
Fried remains
Album in shops now
Odds are she's playing "Smoke"
What are those...?
Fork in the sand!
He's going west!
"You left the vodka where?"
Action Mark, with own guitar.
This sun takes ages to set.
Jen chilling
Dog attacks!
Ultimate challenge
He loves it lol
Emma + Nat
Awww...I wanna hug him lol
They trick us with their skills!
All of them
Somepoint in Aug - Leeds fest (I'm nowhere near these either)
Our intrepid explorers brave the crowds
With refreshment
To find what they seek they must wait
Which Milne finds amusing
They wait longer
And happen upon a native tribeswoman, Lucy
Quickly they bond, as the tribeswoman tries her weed
But they fail to notice the hard rocking old ladies
They finally find their heroes
Who seems shocked to find them alive
Bands come and go
They see Dashboard
And he waxes his excalibur
Another set of explorers Emma...
And hannah (who has difficulty discovering it's a camera)
Milne however mislays her hairbrush
They spend the day looking yet fail
And so, when all is lost, they pose
And jump the camera
The explorers return
As soon as they finish their drink
Sometime - Josh's party
Glen mid swish
October 06 - Emma's party
Jen once again works the camera
While Mark pimps his hoes.
"OMG I'm Sooooooooooooooo Drunk!"
He smiles
Guy (Woo-hoo I'm in the back)
I swear she's falling
Nope leaning
Jen catches the camera
Then Hannah glomps her
Josh owns everything
Twin attack!
Sister attack!
Another Twin attack!
Ello eloo eloo
I dislike the camera
He's hit the wall
Ben. Ketchup. ben. Ketchup
By the washing Machine
Moody pic
Me + Jen (-Evil arm I cropped off)
Wild Hannah Appears! Trainer Sned Blacks Out!
Randm pic most likely not from this party
Random Time - Jack
He's found drumsticks
Jack attack!
No, smile Jack
...It'll do.
09/12/06 - Charlies 18th
Gimme a yeehaw!
Go home!
Is it markham or Ben?
Markham shines out of the pic
Ladies again
I don't look impressed
Neither is Liz
Nope not impressed
Random shot
Super Charlie!
Vix and Charlie
Vix and Bond (LMAO)
The names Head, Dick head
31/12/06 - TIm's new year's Party!
Vix once again starts us off
Aren't I smooth?
Time! It drinks!
Lovely Jack
Let's do the timewarp! AGAIN!
The amazing leaning Beer!
Another Beer
Stolyes works it
Dancing Taz?
Schmard looking pale
Stolyes again
men cannot smile....Therefore...
Joel is not a man lol
What am I doing here? Answers on a postcard please
jesus drank wine why can't tim?
Taz the giant!
SChmard...the... Schmard
Weird how he frames them
Talk to the hand...
Cause Tim ain't listening
Joesphine and Roxy?
Schmard is delt a deadly blow
Ash looks about 5 here
Paul and Leoni
Vix + leoni
And I'll end this section swinging from the roof.
I swear I'm missing a few but for now... deal with it! lol