It's been 9 weeks since I logged-in to LJ. Probably longer since I've made a real post...
I've had doula clients in February, March and June, with another one coming up in October; and I've been contracted a back-up doula for a mom due in August. I've been trying to finish my certification forms, and made a valiant effort to do so three weeks ago, with a large rate of success - but I'm still not done and the project got shelved again because of the day job. "All of your overtime has been approved," said my boss, "so we need you to work as much as it takes to get these projects done." Not Let's reassess your workload, but rather, We're giving you no choice in the matter - dedicate all of your time to us.
I had a string of weeks where I was doing a great job of taking care of myself, but lately, I've been sacrificing sleep to keep up with all of the other non-work-related stuff in my life. I've pretty much reached the point where I need to make a decision to commit to the extra office hours, or I need to decide what the cut-off point is for work hours. I'm fairly certain the former is going to win-out, simply because I'm not in a position to be unemployed right now. But I'm bitter about it, and that bad attitude is breeding stubborn choices which rob me of sleep and proper nutrition, causing me to be even more miserable. Adding to that dog pile of mrr is the guilt I feel when I don't manage my time well because I'm tired and grumpy.
So, basically, I'm working on putting on my big girl panties and accepting that life is a bitch sometimes. Managing this situation means taking care of myself as well as completing massive amounts of work, so if I have to stop doing everything else but those two things, then so be it. There will be payouts in the end if I successfully weather this rough patch.
His Fuzziness has been a real asset the last couple of months, in that he's taken on the majority of the household chores. Because he's not enthusiastic about this role, our home isn't perfect, but it's livable, and I get dinner made for me from time to time, so I can't complain. Ashleigh and Miranda (who are miserable in their German apartment which has no a/c) may be coming "home" in August for a month, and we'll probably host them, so he'll make another big push to pare-down the crap and organize before they arrive.
Next weekend, Fuzzy is taking me to the beach. So I do get some vacation-y fun in the midst of all the work, and that's something good to which I can look forward.'s raining, so I'm gonna go get some more sleep. Mmmm. Sleeeeeep.