Sunshine, warm and strong, beat down on his face. The delicate smell of sunflowers was ubiquitous, calming and sweet. It was such a nice place and it filled him with happiness; he never wanted to leave. When he finally opened his eyes there were corpses everywhere, mangled and bloody.
He looked around helplessly for a few moments, the small smile spread across his lips shrinking slightly. How had this happened? Where had they come from? When he looked down he noticed something dark hanging loosely from the fingers on his right hand, something heavy and cold.
“Oh… I remember. They wouldn’t behave… But why? I wanted to get along, too.”
He let the gun slide out of his hand and hit the ground with a muffled *thunk*, most of the sound being absorbed as it landed on the still soft flesh of someone’s chest. With nothing better to do, he wandered aimlessly for a time, although the scenery didn’t seem to be changing. Perhaps this place was exceptionally large? Or perhaps he’d been walking in circles; he couldn’t quite tell. He only stopped when he noticed a bottle partially hidden under half of a torso, the letters “VO” visible on the bottle’s label. He crouched and gingerly tugged the bottle out from beneath the corpse, being careful to avoid touching any part of the body.
“V-O-D-K-A. Vodka?”
He swished the bottle about a little before downing the contents, coughing a little as the alcohol burned at the soft mucous of his throat.