You've gots to be crazy if you think im gonna forget about you... you are such an awsome person and I will miss you very much... I hope you have a grand time in Arizona though... your out of highschool enjoy it... and the best thing about calling cards is... I can call you long distance without anyone but me payin for it woot... anyway I'll miss you though im sure ill see you before you go
::sigh:: i unno what ima do gill.i guess ill be workin alot and ittl keep me mind off other things.i'ma miss u big.i can call u on weekumends cuz i have free longdistance and free calling.yay.parents arent gonna let me roadtrip and come visit.sad huh.u gotta hang out with me a buch b4 u leave.we should go to dinner at somewhere nummy again.twas much fun.and for some reason i have decided not to use spaces after periods.oh well.i dont wantcha ta leave.but i cant do anything about it.well i could chain u up in my closet.but i dont think you'd like that much.and my mum'd get pretty mad at all the rest of us comin over to visit u in my closet.i could charge admission though and not have to work.muahahhahahha!you have a safe drive down and call me like everyday so i know ur ok.(i worry, it runs in my family, shit just look at me mum).ima bout to cry kinda so ill be done for now.gotta go do happy stuff.::loves & hugs:: -Kellen
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