I don't know what MEME

May 16, 2009 14:00

It seems like everyone is doing this, therefore I must too!

Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to Ten Different People. (but don't say their name)

10. Why can't you be happy for me, just this once?

9. Don't tell me what to do, I can make my own decicions!

8. You have made my life a little brighter. Thank you.

7. I miss you so bad that it feels like dying.

6. Someday it'll be the right time. Please wait for me.

5. I can't be what I'm not, not even for you.

4. Don't ever change, I love you more than you know.

3. *shifty eyes* Um...you should totally do gay porn!

2. I'm not trying to be difficult, but I'm scared that you won't like me if I let you see who I really am.

1. It amazes me how much I love you. Too bad you'll never know.

Nine things about myself.

9. I'm RANDOM.
8. I live to make music.
7. I cannot eat if somebody is watching.
6. I hate it when people tell me I can't do something.
5. I'm a 100% horse girl
4. I love my job.
3. I'm a fangirl (JB, SPN, OC...you name it!)
2. If there's something I can't say, I sing it.
1. I get bored easily but usually find crazy ways to amuse myself.

Eight ways to win my heart.

8. Be funny.
7. Like horses.
6. Overlook/encourage my randomness.
5. Let me have space when I need it.
4. Respect my friends.
3. Get me.
2. Be Joe Jonas. Nick Jonas Kevin Jonas A Jonas Brother.
1. Love me.

Seven things that cross my mind a lot.

7. Horses
6. Money (or the lack of it)
5. Joe Jonas (...shut up, ppl!)
4. Finland
3. Family
2. Friends
1. Slash

Six things I do before I fall asleep.

6. Do a night check on the horses
5. Shower
4. Check e-mail
3. MSN with awesome!people
2. Work on my songs
1. Set alarm

Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever).

5. Noora
4. Minna
3. Jas
2. Ashley
1. Okay, not a person but Vanaja, my horse

Four things you're wearing right now.

4. Black sweatpants
3. Gray silver printed hoodie
2. Red striped tank top
1. dog tag with text "Fly on proud bird, you're free at last, L131207 K231008 G131108"

Three songs that you listen to often.

3. Paranoid - Jonas Brothers
2. Here I Am - Renee Sandstrom
1. Apologize - Timbaland feat. One Republic

Two things you want to do before you die.

2. Fall in love.
1. See the world, and my friends around the world.

One confession.

1. I always think I'm not good enough


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