115. My middle name is: Pauliina. I hate it passioately.
114: I was born on: May 13th, 1990 at 2.15pm (it was Mother's Day...my parents missed the Mother's Day lunch because of me...)
113. My eye color is: bluish green/ greenish blue. IDK-
112. My shoe size is: 40 ...european sizes
111. My ring size is: I have no idea! 18,5mm or something like that.
110. My height is: 170cm, that would be around 5'8" I think.
109. I am allergic to: NOTHING!!! WHEEEEEE!!!
108. I live in: a poolhouse, without a pool...I guess it's more like a gardenhouse, rly.
107. The last book i read was: Copenhagen by Annukka Oksanen
106. My bed is: new, very expensive and PERFECT!
105. Something I Know for sure about the other sex: Um...they have a penis. :DDD
104. I am glad of my sex because: I get to use makeup and buy gorgeous clothes and shoes and nobody teases me for it!
103. My favorite Holiday is: um...is the Workman's Day considered as a Holiday?
102. The perfect kiss is: slow, passionate, unexpected.
101. Your favorite cd: Jonas Brothers - The Bonus Jonas Edition
100. Last song that made me cry was: Renee Sandstrom - Here I Am
99. My most treasured possession(s): My dog tag, my PHONE and a pair of gold!Converse
98. What did you do last night: watched the season finale of SPN. *shudders*
97. What is the best thing about him: He's funny :)
96. What are you looking for in a relationship: Someone I can have fun with!
95. My skin's reaction to the sun is (tan/burn): Neither? I just stay white as chalk!
Do believe in....
94. Santa no
93. Love at first sight? I wish...
92. Luck?: Hell yeah!
91. Fate?: kinda
90. God?: Yes
89. Aliens?: no
88. Heaven?: I want to
87. Hell?: I DON'T want to :D
86. Ghosts?: not really.
85. Horoscopes?: NO. Just no.
84. Soulmates?: Yes <3
Which is Better?
83. Hugs or Kisses? Hugs are overrated just FYI. So kisses it is!
82. Drunk or High: Drunk..! Funny stuff happens when I'm drunk :D
81. phone or online: ONLINE...*sings* I'm so much cooler online...!
80. Red heads or Brunettes?: Both. At the same time, plz :P
79. Blondes or Brunettes: Who the fuck cares? IT'S HAIR, NOT THE END OF THE WORLD!
78. Night or Day: Night!
77. Oranges or Apples: Apples...oranges are expensive... :(
76. Curly or Straight hair: CURLYCURLYCURLYCURLY!!!! *thinks* *dies*
Here's What I Think About...
75. Abortion? It's a good thing, if used wisely.
74. Backstabbers? *growls*
73. Parents? Family.
Last time I...
71. hugged someone: Few weeks ago?
70. Seen someone I haven't seen in a while: I can't remember, but CHRISTA IS COMING OVER TODAY!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!
69. Who's the ditziest person you know: *Finnish brain doesn't understand question*
68. Who makes you laugh the most: Jashley (Get it!?! Like Jas and Ashley?!)
67. One thing I'm pissed about right now is: the fact that I don't have Danish ID yet
66. The last movie I saw in the theater was: The Dark Knight
65. The thing I don't understand is: why am I not married to Joe already? :DDD
64. The worst answer I've ever received: "I don't care what you think"
63. The one thing I love about the opposite sex is: they're straight-forward
62. This summer I am: working for ridiculously rich people, who are REALLY NICE!!!
61. Something I will really miss when I leave home: already left...Finnish rye bread.
60. Tomorrow: Going for lunch with friends plus working a couple of hours.
59. Today: Saturday
58. Next Summer: I have no idea where I'll be
57. Next Week: I will finally get some of the official stuff done.
56. People call me: um...stupid? :D
55. The person I am good friends with? Shailailaila <3
54. The person who knows the most about me is?: someone I can trust
53. Person that can read me the best is: Taisi
52. The most difficult thing to do is: telling someone when you've screwed up
51. I have gotten a speeding ticket: ...never! But it's been close...
50. I have the following siblings: Two older brothers
49. What do you want to be when you grow up: happy
48. My zodiac sign is: Taurus
47. The first person I thought i was in love with was: I've never 'thought' I was in love. And I never have been.
46. The one person who can't hide things from me: IDK...
45. Which ex was your favorite? No comments
44. Right now I am talking to: INGRIIIIIID!
43. Who do you want to be with right now?: Jazzy, and Ashley and Robin and all awesome lj-people!
42. Fave flower: I don't know what it's called but there are these tiny light blue flowers that grow by the stable. They're SO pretty.
41. I have these pets: My little snowball dog. He's in Finland, though 40. I hope: that someday I can be content with my life
39. The worst sound in the world: My best friend screaming in pain.
38. The person that makes/made me cry the most is: Jake, no doubt about it.
37. Place that makes you happy: Similän Ratsutila <3
36. Tan or Pale: Don't care.
35. Cute or Hot: Both, duh!
34. Smokers vs. Non Smokers: Non-smokers...their kisses taste better!
33. Sexiest Trait: *finnish brain iz confuzzled*
32. Spongebob or Patrick: Dunno who Patrick is but I loathe Spongebob
31. Favorite Cartoon Character: Lilla My from the Moomins. You know, the tiny red head!
30. Like to go fishing: well, if by fishing you mean having gay sex up on the mountains then sure, I like to go fishing :DDD
29. florida or hawaii?: I dunno, but Hawaii sounds nice.
28. Pro War: ...is what, exactly?
27. My favorite piece of clothing is/are: Hats! And scarves! And SHOES!
26. My favorite sport to play is: basketball. I played for 8 years, tried out for the national team but busted my knee and couldn't play after that :(
25. Last time I cried: A couple of days ago. And almost today.
24. Do you dance or sit on the sides at dances: depends on how I'm feeling
23. Last person I got pissed at: Julia, but it was a stupid thing.
22. My worst drinking experience was: When my driver fucked off to God knows where and left me alone in the middle of the forest (we were having a party at a cabin) with about 60 strangers who were really fucking drunk, fighting with each other and groping me. Not fun.
21. where you want to go on your honeymoon? I dunno, somewhere with a nice big bed :D
20. Favorite Animal: Horse
19. Favorite Song: At the moment it's Don't Forget by Demi Lovato
18. The all-time best movie is: IDK. Camp Rock is awesome, though :P
17. The all-time best thing in the world is: FRIENDS!
16. The most annoying thing ever is: When people tell me I can't do something.
15. The most annoying person you know is: I'd rather not mention that.
14. I lose all respect for people who: talk shit behind others' backs
13. The movies I have cried at are: Oh, there are many, but Brokeback Mountain is one.
12. Are you emotional: I guess I am
11. Would You Die For Someone you know: I'd like to think so
10. Do you like leopard print: kinda whorish, to be honest! ( I still own leopard print shoes, though. What's that say about me? :DDD)
09. Name something romantic you'd want to happen: Have a boy take me for a walk/drive in the sunset and sing to me. Kissing involved also, of course.
08. The worst pain I was ever was in: Stomach cramp for some unknown reason. I fainted from the pain and had to be taken to hospital.
07. favorite quote: "It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not"
06. My room: is pretty awesome, rly, even if I don't have much furniture yet.
05. My favorite celebrity is: *drum roll* Joe/Nick/Kevin Jonas, and J2M!
04. My weakness is: my need to please everyone
03. What turns me on: Okhay, kink!list, here we go: gun!kink, knife!kink, wing!kink, purityring!kink, curlyhair!kink, hands!kink, humiliation!kink, crying!kink, boysexing!kink, jonas!kink and so on and so on.
02. I filled out 115 questions because: I honestly had nothing else to do.
01. Are you single? Why yes, I am :D