You know what would make Kona-chan really happy? I mean really really really happy? Is that when you:
o1.) Comment on her works -- constructive critique is also nice. Just no flames, please.
o2.) When you
watch konakonapon!
o3.) When you credit her when you use her works. :3
o4.) When you comment, take, and credit her for her works! (oh, that'd make her so happy.)
But you know what? You'll also make Kona-chan really sad when you:
o1.) Flame her -- she's not the best GFX artist in the world, you know.
o2.) Pass her work as your own -- AKA, claiming my graphics/tutorials your own.
o3.) When you don't credit her. Oh, that'd make her so sad.
o4.) When you turn my textless icons into bases, edit my icons, etc.
o5.) When she sees her work around the internet but is credited to another person.
But that's it for the rules! I hope you make Kona-chan happy! :3 or else... >3