ВООЗ викотила
заяву з приводу омікрону.
Спочатку тезово.
"..There is now consistent evidence that Omicron is spreading significantly faster than the Delta variant. And it is more likely people vaccinated or recovered from COVID-19 could be infected or re-infected.."
Тобто, поширюється швидко, вакциновані та перехворілі інфікуються аж бігом.
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Comments 18
Full “COVID-19: A Second Opinion” Hearing Organized by Senator Ron Johnson
Senator Ron Johnson moderates a panel discussion, COVID-19: A Second
Opinion. A group of world-renowned doctors and medical experts provide a
different perspective on the global pandemic response, the current state
of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy, and
safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and
what needs to be addressed long term. The discussion begins around the
40-minute mark.
via leo-sosnine.dreamwidth.org/832375.html
5 годин відео. Початок цікавий, а чи дивитись далі… 100 долярів 5 годин то є 5 годин.
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