After searching high and low and on top of a mountain, I couldn't find any screencaps for The Fray's How To Save A Life version 2. So I made my own. :D
My first real attempt with screencaps, so, um, don't kill me?
Number: 300+
Size: 320x240
Samples and download info under cut:
Sendspace //
Mediafire //
MegauploadWill upload to other sites if needed.
I've made 53 bases as well, which can be found
---Comments make me think this wasn't just a waste of time. o_o;
---Hotlinking examples will hurt Photobucket.
---Credit is spiffy. Uber spiffy.
konekomata or
missykitty0115~! If you don't though, well, that's life.
But I worked hard on these. ;~;
The caps aren't all that big and not amazing quality.
But they worked just fine for me. Sharpen once and your good to go. :)