Looks like Twitter and I could be good friends after all. I had one before, but it had personal contacts, so I made a new one specifically for J-rock fangasm, my crackfic of a life, and maybe fanfiction sneak peeks.
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This entry isn't locked because I'm shameless.
Comments 4
*goes to add you*
I really need to tweet more about stuff. I only got one to keep up with what Aoi was up to . .. and now Ruki!! Whee~~~!!!
I used my old one to stalk people too, but I figured I should try tweeting as well. Maybe people would be interested to know what goes on in my head.
Hmm. I should probably warn people that I think in crack and pr0nz, yeah? x__x
I don't get why people are so addicted to it but it is ok place.
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