Icon by my lubbu
itsukayume. X) Really tempted to pay for more icons...
I got
kamilah_adair addicted. ♥ *glee* I have no idea what I helped unleash on the world. 8D Working on Julia. +_+
So I had this huge fangirling rant at the end of Jan./beginning of Feb. Lucky for you, I forgot about posting/got really busy, so you don't have to see it. XDDDD Be very very grateful, for my stupid side can be spazzy.
History + crack = SLDKFHSDH 8D ♥. My nerdy history side is coming back out...
kamilah_adair made me take this pic and post it. :C LOOK, HITLER LOOMS OVER GERMANY LIKE A CREEPER. /stupidity. She found it hilarious that it implied...yeah. xD; Most of the books were on Hitler and not on Austria, to her sadness. XDDD On the same shelf to the right, is Italy's history. The arrangement of the different countries' histories was lolworthy. STOP DRAGGING ME INTO YOUR GEEKERY DAMMIT.
I wanna live here. mm irony. X) Notice that Kirkland is lower than Francis. HMMM.
I think Russia freaks me out... xD;;; I can’t really remember much of the dream now (dreamed end of January?). I think Russia was trying to get me to join him…or something, and he kept addressing me as "Lithuania" and I’d reply, "But I’m Switzerland. D:" He’d make agreeing noises and continue saying Lithuania. Bah. Kept fending him off with words, but ooogh scary. XDD I can’t believe Hetalia has infected me that much. -3-; I wasn't even that interested in Hetalia at the time. Then again, for the past year or so, I’ve been dreaming more of my interests, people I know, and everyday stuff, when before it was pretty random or made up. So now I guess I’m more likely to dream about fandoms I’m into. Wish I remember more cuz it was pretty weird and interesting.
Last week I dreamed about Liechtenstein (I was sort of her, sort of seeing her POV) and Russia. Two people I have NEVER associated together. xD; (WHY YOU INVADING MY DREAMS RUSSIA?) Russia was upset about something, so Liechtenstein was trying to comfort him. All I really remember was that they were good friends and had this camaraderie that made no sense. I'm afraid of what else my brain will come up with. ._. And why is it always Russia? What does this say about me. x_x
kamilah_adair. 8DDDDDD I DEMAND FICCAGE FROM YOU. (These links inspire me, but since I am a lazy ass, IT IS UP TO YOU BFF. <3) :D
Britain is running out of what? No PDA! That means you, France! Oh England. ♥♥ Your actions are so lolworthy.
Dammit, I wanna spew out doujin, fanart, and fanfiction. XDDD History events are way too inspiring. Time to make or steal Hetalia icons. Anyone wanna collab or have requests?
School sucks, blahblahblah. I wish spring break didn't end. :C All the work I was planning to do (school and cosplay) was totally ignored cuz I'm stupid like that. I just realized that I have a ton of crap to do...woohoo no sleep. 8D
Sad that I didn't get to see
evanae during break. ;____;
[EDIT] Thank you Jennifer for the lj html help! why you change my lj cuts. X( I need to actually learn this...xD;;;