[Shop Photos] TegoMass - Tegomass no Uta Album

Sep 04, 2009 02:16

JE Shop Photos - NEWS : TegoMass No Uta

Orders are now open for these shop photos. Purchase them as a set or individually!

Payment must be received by the last day of the pre-order period.


Item #: TNMGR-# of picture wanted.
Item # for set of 10: TNMGR-set

Item #: TNMGR-# of picture wanted.
Item # for set of 10: TNMGR-set


Item #: TNMMASSU-# of picture wanted.
Item # for set of 12: TNMMASSU-set

Item #: TNMMASSU-# of picture wanted.
Item # for set of 13: TNMMASSU-set


Item #: TNMTEGO-# of picture wanted.
Item # for set of 12: TNMTEGO-set

Item #: TNMTEGO-# of picture wanted.
Item # for set of 13: TNMTEGO-set


Individual Photos: $3 each

All 10 piece sets are $27. Pay for 9 photos and receive the 10th photo free!

All 12 piece sets are $33. Pay for 11 photos and receive the 12th photo free!

All 13 piece sets are $36. Pay for 12 photos and receive the 12th photo free!

Purchase full set of Group photos for $51. Pay for 17 photos and receive 3 free!

Purchase full set of Tegoshi or Massu photos for $66. Pay for 22 photos and receive 3 free!

Purchase the full set for $198. Pay for 66 photos and receive 4 free!

Special: If you purchase 10 individual shop photos from any set (sets are not included as they are discounted already), then you can receive the 11th photo free!

All pricing is in USD.

Please see this post for payment, shipping and purchasing information for shop photos.

To place an order, comment to this entry, or send us an email at konkonsales@gmail.com!

If you have any questions, feel free to comment and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. Also, check out our other orders!

tegomass no uta album, tegomass, shop photos

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