[OOC; Permissions]

Nov 01, 2008 11:42

Age: 18, but since he was locked up in Mt. Gogyou for 500 years, it's technically 518.
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: About 112 lbs.
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Brown

Medical Info: Nothing really worth mentioning. He might have a slightly increased immune system, but he did canonly have a cold along with the rest of the Ikkou, so...

Things Not to Mention: Anything's pretty much cool to talk about, but note that if you mention trying to hurt Sanzo, he'll turn really defensive.

Notes for Psychic Characters: Goku has suppressed memories of his time in Heaven 500 years ago. He can't remember them, nor does he know about them. The Gods sealed his memory away, so anyone trying to pry would probably get some strong kickback.

Abilities: Oh lord, here we go.

In normal Goku mode, he is very strong and agile. He usually holds back when he's sparring or something, but OH GOD if you get him pissed off. Goku also has the ability to summon Nyoibou, a staff that can extend at his will and can split into three connected parts (Nyoi-sansetsukon). He's very skilled at fighting with Nyoibou, but doesn't necessarily need it to kick some ass.

The gold diadem that sits on his forehead is a youkai power limiter. It keeps him appearing human, and from going berserk as Seiten Taisei Son Goku. When the diadem is removed, he gains an extreme boost to agility, dexterity and strength, but loses all self-control and will attack enemies and friends alike. In this form, his hair and ears lengthen, his eyes become cat-like and his nails and fangs grow longer and sharper. He also seems able to call upon the earth's aura to heal himself in this form.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc. him?: Uh, shapeshifting is alright. xD Bodyswap...that would have to be an event. The others are just no. ♥

Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Hugging is alright, so long as it's just friendly hugging or OHMYGODYOU'READORABLE hugging. Kissing, uhh...no. You'd definitely have to ask me first. Other non-violent physical contact, go for it! Unless it's something intimate...then, uh, no. xD

Maim/murder/death: Oh lord. ASK ME FIRST GUYS. People will seriously kill me if I have Goku killed. Injuring him is alright, so long as you run everything by me first.

If you have any questions, ask them here!

ooc, *permissions

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