So, by chance you have wandered onto my lj. So here's some things to know about me... [NOTE: If you're looking for more info on my request, skip to the bolded section]
A bit about me. I'm a female, high school sophomore, and you may call me Twilit, Yuki, or Sori. I have a younger brother (even if he's quite a pain, I still love him), a girlfriend (who I love with all my heart <3 ). I love Anime and Manga, Video Games, and normal books as well. I enjoy RPing when I'm not writing (feel free to ask for an RP if you'd like~). I've read and watched several series, and I'm a huge APH fan. I love a bunch of pairings (I'm not listing all of them); I'm a huge Nordic Fan (But I love the Baltics and Middle Easterners a lot as well). Huge OTPs of mine are DenNor (my OTP 5ever), PruAus, Frananda, Spamano, RoBul, amongst a bunch of others.
My name, Koori to Yuki [氷と雪], is Japanese (one of my main nationalities and a language I am semi fluent in), and it means Ice and Snow :3 It's also based of a doujin with a similar name, Koori ha no Yuki.
I'll be posting my fanfics here as well.... or at least, some of them. I'll provide links to ones I don't post here though.
You can find me on these sites; don't hesitate to stop and say hi:
My Fanfiction: or Tumblr: Tumblr: (<-Main)<-Still used often)
YouTube (I have some Hetalia videos on there from NND, If you're interested): Requests:
As I write on fanfiction, I also fill things on the APH kink meme. If there is a prompt of yours on the kink meme you would like me to fill, link me to it (and the pairing preferances as well), and I will CONSIDER filling it. And if you don't specify the pairing... well, don't be surprised if it gets filled with DenNor, okay XD However, there are pairings I don't like and will not write for. If that happens, I'll probably either deny the request, or ask for an alternate pairing to fill with.
I also will write things not on the kink meme- just give me a pairing and prompt, and if I like it, I'll write a drabble or something with it. You can leave a comment or send a message here, or on tumblr/fanfiction/dA/whatever works for you
I think thats about it, I hope we can get to know each other ^^