Orchimalomosis, pronounced ORKA-MALA-MOSES; n. A condition acquired by those that believe what people say but are too often disappointed. Another attribute is crying due to a sixth sense that detects deception.
Owtomat, pronouced OUT-OH-MUT; v. A word describing a piece of clothing that appears to come from the outer regions of space. For example: that is an owtomat outfit, especially that silver fedora with the laser beams.
Mneezer, pronouced ME-NEE-ZIER; n. A name for a person that is growing disgruntled with the increasing amount of advertisement on the majority of internet sites. One who remembers internet sites when they were bare and raw and wallows in anger due to these thoughts.
Hophophop, pronouced HAP-HAP-HAP; n. The proper name for a person who does not have any tattoos or piercings. Additionally one who fears needles in the context of getting a tattoo or piercing.
Mistar Raybencrest, pronouced ME-STAR RAY-BEN-KREZT; n. The proper name for a male who does not know how to mimic the sounds of a Raven. A person who is ignorant of animal calls.
Tuywegi, pronouced TOOY-WA-GEE; adj. Very high jump That was a tuywegi jump. Also, Tuywegier (TOOY-WEDGE-EAR) A person that jumps very highly That man is such a distinguished Tuywegier.