I.. I... I...... ; O ;
I dont know why i have been SO ridiculously careless recently *weeps*
I merged all my layers and forgot to undo before closing it
oh my heart cries
and on a funny yet not so funny note,
yesterday i dreamt my brother showed his "girlfriend" my drawings *wakes up screaming*
So i'm putting up [ k i t c h e n ] first~ i know i previewed [ a t t e n t i o n ] first, but ha! 8D
i have difficulties drawing bodies, tsubasa and takki look like children.
i mean not to make tsubasa so unreal happy :c
i merged my layers :c *fidget fingers*
it's not supposed to be a cake.
and cream = hard to draw :(
original is nicer, so original it is. i mean i made it with layers
[ k i t c h e n ]
and a happy anniversary tackey and tsubasa ★ :D to an awesome 7th