My review/thoughts/comments on the season three premier of Merlin
I was so excited to watch this episode and I have to say it did not let me down and contained so many awesome moments.
Rather than writing about the episode in order of the plot I am just going to talk about the episode overall by theme e.g Merlin/Arthur, evil Morganna, e.t.c.
Overall I thought the episode was awesome, and it looks like it bodes well for a fantastic series. I particularly liked that the plot moved reasonably quickly they could easily have drawn out some of that over several weeks.
I absolutely loved the Merlin/Arthur moments in this episode, we definitely did not see the reset that we had in season 2 thank god.
There was so much awesome banter and sniping between the two it was awesome and hilarious as always. I loved that the knights were totally used to Arthur just taking the piss out of Merlin.
Also I swear in the subtext there is lots to promote the idea that Merlin is definitely important to Arthur.
When they were riding at the begging of the scene Merlin was riding up front next to Arthur, in front of the Knights who obviously hold a much higher status than him. And he was on horseback whilst some members of the army (pikemen) were on foot. It is pretty impressive that as a servant Merlin wasn't meant to follow behind the knights on foot with the pikemen.
There is also the fact that during the training scene Merlin is no longer miles away at the sidelines but given a seat right next to the training.
In the entire scene Merlin is the only one Arthur talks to directly, also he obviosuly wants Merlin's opinions on his fighting.
So most importantly awesome things for fanfic that this episode gave us:
New Insults for the boys to use on each other:
Merlin to Arthur: Dollophead
Arthur to Merlin: A Girl's Petticoat
The fact that Arthur asks if Merlin's bottom is sore, seriously that is just crying out for a fanfic about how it got sore.
Also the fact that they pay attention to each other's bottoms
Merlin and Arthur playing hide and seek
How happy Merlin was just to see Arthur walk into the room.
The fact that the first thing Arthur does on entering the room is take off his shirt, when he is nowhere near other clothes to put on! Blatantly just wants Merlin to ogle his chest.
Arthur washing Merlin's face with a cloth, he spent way longer doing that then he needed to.
A scene that ended with Merlin dripping wet and Arthur topless in their chambers, again!
Merlin in chains and on his knees, seriously that is just begging for fan fiction.
And Finally Morgause asking Merlin why he repeatedly risks himself for Arthur, I'm sure I wasn't the only one imagining mentally screaming because he loves him! (I would have done it aloud but my mum was sat next to me)
They are making Merlin less special
This part is something which really bugged me in the episode. In the first series it was set up that Merlin was meant to be pretty much the most powerful sorcerer ever.
In the first episode Gaius thought it was impossible for him to have been born with magic and to cast magic without speaking. Sp I always assumed and loved the fact that Merlin doing magic without speaking was special to him.
Then in this episode Morgause does it! Then Gaius says Uther killed children who were born with magic.
Seriously what have they left that is actually special about Merlin? grrrr
Also I know hiding his magic from Morgause and Morganna makes sense, hence why he lets himself be capture it's useful that he can use it as a secret weapon but why isn't he using it more to help. Also he is meant to be more powerful than Morgause though untrained in his powers, so you would have though that he would have the power to break the spell on the chains. But that of course would not fit in with the plot of the episode.
It was cool to see the great dragon back, but I would love to see Merlin doing some more awesome and most importantly powerful magic that shows he is something special compared to other sorcerers like the lighting he used to kill Nimueh
Evil Morganna
I really loved the fact that Morganna has now turned evil, makes soom interesting plotline and fits with the legend.
That said I think it may have been a tad over emphasised, seriosuly Morganna doing an evil smirk will be a new drinking game considering the number of times she did it in that episode.
I think a lot of people will think it extreme that she is now cold to Gwen and willing to sacrifice all of Camelot and kill random guards when the only people she really needs revenge on are Arthur and Merlin. This does seem to be a dramatic change in character.
This is why I quite like the gap of a year.
It is a year that will have been spent among other magic users people who will dislike Camelot as a whole, perhaps hate the people of Camelot as well for going along with Uther's prosecution of magic.
She has also had a year of time to be brainwashed by Morgause.
Plus there is the fact that overall the plan is Morgause's someone who saved her life and clearly loves her, I think at least part of her is doing this to please her sister.
Also the fact that she almost died, at the hands of someone she trusted and almsot valued as a fired, that's an experience which is going to change you and make you question your relationships, it wouldn't be a surprise that the only person she could trust is Morgause.
Plus the killing the guard part, Morganna has always been determined and I can see how she would not let anyone get in her way in her plan to get revenge and help her sister, and she will see him as one of the enemy.
So yes that's my overall thoughs and I can't wait to see next weeks!