Title: Under the Glass I am Like You
Pairing: Lora/Yori
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Word Count: 712
Disclaimer: Disney owns all. Shocking fact -- I'm not Disney.
Summary: It was just a kiss. That doesn't change who she is.
Author's note: Inspired by the recent
Lora/Yori fic by
winzler (
But she wonders why it felt like so much more. )
Comments 14
Great little story and I really like the last part: She's going to get back to what she does best. She is going to be 'smart' and 'reliable' She's going to put on her lab coat and her big, thick glasses and face the world knowing that she understands exactly who she is...
But she leaves her hair down when she goes to work that day.
And she kisses Yori when she sees her next....
It seems very in character for Lora.
I already have more ideas swirling around in my head. So you might see more of this pairing from me in the future...
I began trying to work out if this happens after Kevin's first digitization and before the rooftop scene -- it could explain Lora's va-va-voom sweater in the latter -- but then that led to pondering the weirdness surrounding the chronology of the Canas-Flynn marriage (since Lora mentions Jordan's bachelorette party) and I decided to drop that line of thought.
(Man, I really need to make that Lora-in-(slash-)goggles icon I've been pondering.)
Anyway, I hope to enjoyed it and thanks for reading :3
I think I might be developing a kink for good looking people who don't see themselves that way. A surprising amount of beautiful people have distorted body images and can't seem themselves as they really are. What better way to get over that then to see your body from another perpective...
I just saw that you posted some new 'Geometry' fic and I squeaked out loud in joy! goes off to read it ♥
I see you're the one who wrote the Sam/Vint fic, which was popping up on my tumblr. I will have to go read it. I'm sure all your stuff is just as great.
I really like this perspective on Lora.
I think she needs more fic, she is pretty awesome...
But she leaves her hair down when she goes to work that day.
And she kisses Yori when she sees her next....
Loved this part <3
I totally agree, this fandom needs more femslash.
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