Итак, ситуация немного проясняется. Наш многоуважаемый Муди Хамед не замедлил с ответом. Кстати про британцев это я поспешил.
Dear Korvettencap ,
Thanks for your interest in this prevailing opportunity; I am happy that you are willing to assist me save the fund from being siphoned by corrupt bank officials here in Togo. I contacted you in this matter owing that you bear the same last name with my late client and of the same nationality. I am Hon Moody Hamed Esq. from Lome Togo West Africa and I want you to know that its destiny that brought us together.
My proposal came to you because my late client Engr.Victor with his supposed Next of Kin/Heiress Apparent Rose(Daughter).I have searched for any other members of his relative without any fruitful result; it was until the bank sent me a notice of their resolution to confiscate the estate in line with their abandoned property decree since I was not able to locate any member of his relative that I decide to contact you for this claim as his only SURVIVING RELATIVE since you bear the same last name with him.
Therefore, in a situation of this kind, it's not published and the respective financial institution only informs the customer's attorney as the case may be and then only waits for the real heir to show up as the availability of such funds are expected to be in he late "customer's will " which would be the only source of knowledge of it by anybody who is entitle to such estate but the real heir was also involved in the accident.
If this fund is not claimed,it will be re-deposited into the treasury of the finance firm as unclaimed bill which be shared among the board of directors due to high level of corruption here and that will become history. There is nothing to worry about as everything is legal with documentations,it is my duty to provide the next of kin and whosoever I approve as the next of kin will become the beneficiary and receivethe fund.
The most important issue to be considered now is trust and confidence in this matter hence I plead this should be our watch word through outthis transaction and I can fully assure you on my own part that as much as I work this with you,I will always remain the same.
More so, you shall admit with me that since my late client died intestate(without a written will) and the apparent heiress died with him, that his estate will be inherited by statute, and this statute according to the customary law of Togo accord any surviving member of his family "right to claim”. It is on this wise that I contacted you, since you bear the same surname with my late client; this will stand as a nexus to establish un-doubtful kinship between you and my late client.
Having understood the process of this claim, hereunder is what we stand to benefit in this claim, the fund in question is $13.5m (Thirteen Million, Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars). After the successful transfer of the fund into your designated account in your country, 45% of the total fund will be for you, 45% will be for me and my family while the remaining 10% will be used to establish the charitable foundation in your country in the name of my late client. If you have any question regarding this sharing ratio, feel free, this is a deal.
Claims prerequisites: As his personal Attorney, I am required to know the detail information of any
The required information:
1, Your full names:
2, Contact Address:
3, Phone/Fax number:
4, Date of Birth:
5, Place of Birth:
6, Occupation:
7, Marital Status:
Be it as it may, the information is needed to present you officially to the finance firm with a draft application letter of claim which will be backed by a sworn Affidavit of claim sworn in the High Court of Togo, Lome Jurisdiction.
This is preceded by an application for a grant of letters of Administration by the probate appointing you as the executor/administration of the said estate.
I want to assure that you have nothing to worry about as all proceedings will be legal and legitimate, at least as an intellectual you can ascertain actions that may be considered repugnance to the law. I want to also assure you that the bank where the fund was domiciled is only acting as caretaker of the estate, as his personal attorney; the bank will release the fund to whomever I present to them.
All you need do is to adhere to my instructions and all will be fine.
Best regards,
Barrister Moody Hamed
Для не владеющих великим и могучим - вот выжимка на другом великом и могучем:
Сперва уважаемый и носящий кучу титулов г-н Хамед из Западной Африки благодарит мою скромную персону за готовность оказать содействие и не дать богатству сгинуть в лапах коррумпированных банкиров. Он является адвокатом безвременно сгинувшего Виктора, владельца прекрасного особняка стоимостью $13 500 000. Наследников у него не осталось, а ко мне он обращается только потому, что моя фамилия (так ни разу в тексте и не озвученная) полностью совпадает с фамилией покойного. Единственный наследник - дочка Роза, скончалась вместе с папашей. А если наследников не объявится, то банк конфискует собственность и коварно разделит профит между своим коррумпированным руководством. А все потому, что завещанием Витя не озаботился.
Но! Если все же появится любой родственник, то он автоматически сможет претендовать на лакомый кусочек. Так что нас просто свела вместе сама судьба! В том, что я выдам себя за родича Вити нет совершенно ничего незаконного (повторить неоднократно до полного запоминания). Ну, а как только я это сделаю, то он немедленно предъявит наши совершенно законные требования властям, получит наследство и переправит в холодную Россию. Делить будем поровну - по 45% каждому. На остаток положенно сделать благотворительный фонд имени Вити. Чтобы все это завертелось, неплохо бы предоставить ему следующую информацию:
1. Полное имя
2. Адрес
3. Номер телефона
4. Дату рождения
5. Место рождения
6. Род занятости
7. Семейное положение
Все, что мне нужно делать - это слушать дядю адвоката и делать как он велит!
Сяду сочинять полезный ответ :) Денег пока не просит.