Title: Never Boring
Author: kosherrainbow
Rating: Mature
Characters: Dave/ Blaine
Warning/Spoilers: none
Disclaimer: Don't Own Glee
Summary: Between Dave and Blaine life would never be boring
-written for
this Weekly Writing Challenge over at
gleempreg-Theme: Baby Bump
-Prompt: Simultaneous Pregnancies, Mentions of: Active Fetus, Fatigue, Baby Proofing
It had started off innocent enough.
“Let's change it up, again.” Blaine rasped into his husband's ear, trying to keep the gasp for breath at a minimum.
Well, as innocent as one could be on a first wedding anniversary.
“What?” Dave froze, staring.
“Change it up.” The former Warbler repeated, squirming out of his position from below Dave, and while the taller man was still processing,
pushed the former football to the bed. “I don't want to be one of those couples who complain about monotony.”
Dave grinned into the bed spread as his husband demanded his turn, “I don't think we'll ever have to worry about being boring.”
Like I said; innocent enough. Innocent enough that neither one of them thought much of it past a potential once-a-year tradition. That was until a several weeks later when they spent quality time together sharing the toilet and blaming each other's cooking for giving them the rather
lengthy bout of food poisoning. Blaine made the executive decision to see the doctor while Dave merely nodded in agreement.
“Both?” Dave asked for the sixth time while Blaine sunk back into his chair as the doctor once again confirmed it.
“You're both pregnant, congratulations. From all we can tell you both seem equally
far along, I'd say four or five weeks.”
This seemed to cause some retrospection on Dave's part before he looked to his still silent husband, “Is this what you had mind...'Change it up'? Still scared we're going to be boring?”
It could be explained by their background of team sports and show choirs but somewhere along the way what had started off as an innocent suggestion turned into an innocent competion. the most bouts of morning sickness. the last one to move into paternity pants, the least weight gain, the best remarks from the doctor, the weirdest cravings, and so on an so forth.
Dave shifted on the couch, an arm wrapped around his protruding belly, fighting to keeps his eyes open long enough to watch the hockey game on the television. The baby inside of him is particularly energetic and doesn't seem to want to sit still long enough for either sleep or sports. She seems to take a pause for a moment and his lids are about ready to shut when his eyes are wrenched awake (and the baby is sent into another round of tumbling).
"Dave." Blaine emerges from the hallway in nothing but sweatpants, the bulge of the soon to be baby boy pushing over the waist band. "It's Saturday. I want to measure."
Measuring: an action Blaine claimed was to make sure they were on tract. Measuring: Blaine's favorite game. To see whose baby bump had become the biggest.
"I don't wanna." Dave mumbled into the seat of the couch. "She's moving around like you on a stage and won't let me get any sleep. I just want to lay here."
"I'll be really quick then you can sleep while I baby proof the house."
"How can you have that much energy? Isn't he moving constantly?"
Blaine just stood there for a moment. "He moves around...every once in a while?"
"What?" Dave finally wlled himself to swing his legs off the couch and move, slowly to where Blaine was standing placing Blaines hand on the constant flutter of movement. "I've got the Energizer Bunny and you have Baby Buddah." THere's a pause a he cracks a grin, "Wanna trade?"
Blaine won.
"Breathe, Blaine. Baby, just deep breaths." Dave held on to the hand of the man with the untamed hair you working his way through a contraction. As Blaine made an unrecognizable sound a sharp pain struck Dave for a moment before passing. He simply tried rubbing it away until it came again before Blaine went to another contaction.
The nurse beside him looked over his equally pregnant stomach, "And how long have your contractions been going?"
Sort of.
A loud cry interupted the busy delivery room as the baby girl entered the world and the nurse who had taken over helping Blaine smiled at the man who was now approaching his turn, even though he'd been in labor longer. "Your turn, lets get your son to join his sister, shall we?"
Though in retrospect (well, at least according to Dave), Dave had won because ultimately he had been the most correct the Anderson-Karofsky household would never be boring.
Dave climbed into bed, his fifty year old back ready for a rest. "I talked to Hannah today..."
"Yeah, I talked to Owen, too."
"She said her and Jake have some pretty big news for us."
Blaine climbed in his side of the king size bed, "So does Owen and Taylor..."
It takes a moment for each other's words to process.
"You don't think..."
"Surely not..."