2009--Year in Review

Dec 18, 2009 19:23

Take the first line from the first journal entry of each month and post it here to see your year-in-review. Commentary in parentheses is from today.

January: I did not want to start the new year with a bipolar fit but that's what happened. (It seems like ALL this year was about was the The Damn Disorder).

February: When I was being silly one day, I mentioned to Gene that I had always wanted a chinchilla. (And he bought me one-- a stuffed one named Zip. Those were happier times.)

March: Med tinkering= less Abilify, more Wellbutrin. (Ah, yes, the constant tinkering with the Bipolar Cocktail. We did A LOT of that this year).

April: Writing from school as the chickadees take their state mandated math test. Better them than me. (SKOOL. This was at MRHS before I moved to BCHS).

May: You ever want to see real OCD in action, check out a high school classroom. (Yes, I still hold this to be true).

June: It's kind of sad that when my DVDs and books are set up, I consider myself to be really "home." (The move.)

July: Ah, the unholy trinity of things that will kill a relationship quicker than a spider's deadly venom. (*wince* The beginning of the end of me and Gene).

August: I'm anxious about starting at my third new school in three years. (I'm always anxious).

September: You're not friends. You'll never be friends. You'll be in love until it kills you." -Spike, BtVS (Can't say it better than this).

October: I might have an ovarian cyst. Lovely. (Thus started the great medical mystery known as What the Hell is Wrong with My Hip?!)

November: I'm kind of afraid-- after 13 years of "depressed" and "bipolar," how am I supposed to know or understand "normal"? (Actually, I'm doing pretty well with that concept).

December: Yes, I CAN haz super-mutant healing powers! (Cause my badly sprained ankle healed all up so nicely).

Basically it was a year of relationship stress, medical odysseys, and the on-going quest to wrangle the Balrog and make it walk pretty on a leash. November and December have seen MAJOR improvements in that area ... we'll see what happens next. As for relationships-- I'll take that as it comes. I'll just get myself in trouble if I go actively looking for it. And next year-- next year there will be NO stupid physical injuries! *crosses fingers and knocks wood*

Special YEAR-END THANKS to the people who kept me sane and got me through! Extra-special shiny gold-plated thanks go out to:

Steve, for everything. Words aren't enough for how much you make me smile.

Meggie, for phone calls, fic, laughs, and tears. You're my rock. (And you win extra, super, gold-plated mad props for introducing me to Criminal Minds.)

Wendil-bird, my one and only seester and Swann. (And you, too, get extra mad props for introducing me to Mercedes Lackey).

Scott and Linda, for giving me places to go on holidays, movies, food, puppies and kitties, and all the good stuff that family offers.

Gene. "When it's good then it's good, it's so good, till it goes bad." It was good, hun. And I don't regret how it started-- only how it ended.

Harry and Heidi. Without these guys I would, literally, be insane. They've improved my quality of life ten-fold just by doing their jobs.

Chris and Stacey. They have made HLC the BEST second job that I could ever have. I HATED it over the summer but the last four months have been AMAZING.

CSI, Trek, Profiler, The West Wing, and Criminal Minds for always giving me an escape when I needed it most.

Normally I do some Special YEAR-END NO LOVE AT ALL awards to the people/things who caused me endless heart ache and grief. But I don't really need to send those out this year. My biggest problems all stemmed from me, myself, and I, so I gave myself mad props for getting through another year, and a few slaps on the wrist for the times when I was mucho stupido about how I did it.

year in review

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