Melos Mousa | Rock Solid Noise | Recap

May 29, 2011 22:42

= { M E L O S   M O U S A } =

R O C K   S O L I D   N O I S E   [ R E C A P

P A S T    S O N G S :   ( a l p h a b e t i c a l   o r d e r )
C E L I N E   D I O N  -  F A D E   A W A Y
E L L I E   G O U L D I N G  -  S T A R R Y   E Y E D
L A D Y   G A G A  -  B O R N   T H I S   W A Y
L I F E H O U S E  -  H A L F W A Y   G O N E
L I N K I N   P A R K ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

airelemental101 June 1 2011, 17:46:59 UTC
I liked this collection of music, especially the Celine song that I'd never heard. But I think what I'm most curious about is how/where you got the amazing teddy bear/mouse player... :3


kosmos_galaxia June 1 2011, 18:15:02 UTC
The Celine Dion song " Fade Away " was on an album released back in 2009, I believe.

As for the music player, you can find the teddy bear, ninja, and much more at However, most of the songs found here are uploaded to a seperate hosting site since Mixpod's music search is limited, hince the "comment for download" at the bottom of each music post. :)


airelemental101 June 1 2011, 19:13:36 UTC
So... I can actually download those songs?


kosmos_galaxia June 20 2011, 21:25:32 UTC
I am extremely sorry for such a late reply. As you can see, I've been a little busy and unable to update Kosmos G.2 for the past few weeks. So, again, I apologize for not replying to your comment.

Now, to answer your question. Yes, you will be able to download these per request. Once a request has been made, I will send you the link via private message or e-mail. All you should have to do is right click and select the option to "save as".

Are there any songs you were wishing to download?



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