Другие записи:
День 2010.10.18, Точное время 05:27:00 |
впадаю в депрессию |
Грузия. Сумбурно. |
Обои по игре StarCraft II Here are ways to help you customize your journal:
Ready to start writing? There are many ways in which you can post:
When you
post an entry, you can use an "LJ-Cut" to hide
everything underneath it with a link. This is useful for really long
entries, hiding spoilers, and is usually done as a courtesy for your
friends' Friends page.
- Private: The eyeball by entries like this one means that only you can see it.
- Friends-Only: The lock means only people you've added as a friend can see this post. You can also create custom friend groups so only a select few can read your entry.
Other ways to post an entry:
Voice Post - Say your post over the phone and we'll magically post the audio to your journal.
Mobile Post - Post photos and text from your mobile phone.
TxtLJ - Interact and post via text message.
LJ Talk - Post to your journal with LiveJournal's instant messaging feature.
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