So, class today was fun, since it's Izumo's declared demo day and I love screwing with his demos.
Funny enough, the sheep's lung he had to demonstrate lung function doesn't inflate -- no matter how hard he blows into the inflating straw -- when one seals the airways with superglue and a dime... I wonder how that could have happened... All I heard after third period was how pretty a colour Kamizuki-sensei turns when he's holding his breath. Whether he was still trying to inflate the lung or whether he was counting to ten in his head doesn't matter.
Ah, the head games. Not that he didn't deserve it, the ass. I'm still annoyed with how he swapped lables on the mold plates I was growing for my senior biology class... no wonder all the kids --including the good ones-- turned in reports identifying the wrong species.
And then he had the nerve to ask if my "gravitationally challenged" hair was stress-related. I'm sooo going to swap his shaving styptic for superglue one of these days (what, you thought he wore a bandage on his chin to be cool? I'm halfway convinced the guy was only taught how to shave yesterday; the preteen girls we teach can shave better than he can...)
Mmmm. More later. I have lab reports to grade, followed by thinking up creative ways to apologize to the kids as well as suggest it was their faults for only accepting what they were told and not digging deeper as any good scientist would.