Your Japanese Name Is...
Taku Ichijo
What's your Japanese Name? Taku Ichijo...sort of weird but okay! (Japanese names should be "family names comes first", so the name would be Ichijo Taku, I guess)
Your French Name is:
Briand Bastide
What's Your French Name? Briand Bastide, err...whatever (I don't know French...)
Your Superhero Profile
Your Superhero Name is The Hour Phantom
Your Superpower is Nanotechnology
Your Weakness is Sailors
Your Weapon is Your Invisible Dagger
Your Mode of Transportation is Boat
What's your Superhero Name? A superhero travels on boat? And he's weak towards the sailors? Definitely sounds weird to me.
Oh, at least I got the nano-tech. I have the ability to control the atomic stuff. *molecule attacks*
Got a blast! I have a world to save! (Actually I don't like being a superhero...^___^)