Read this in the Toronto Star today.
Despairing U.S. lefties look north for 'Mr. Right'
Toronto StarThursday, November 4, 2004
Christopher Hutsul, Entertainment Reporter
Looking for a way to help left-leaning Americans get over the disappointment of George W. Bush's re-election?
Why not pledge to marry one?
The satirical Canadian website has been inviting Canadians to do just that in the weeks leading up to the U.S. presidential election.
And now that Bush has been re-elected, bewildered liberal Americans are flocking to the site, begging to be taken in by Canadians.
"To varying degrees, Americans are now taking it seriously," said Joyce Byrne, publisher of political journal This Magazine, which produced the site in conjunction with Geekend, a Toronto-based arts collective. "They're saying, this isn't where I want to be right now, and I want to come to Canada."
This website, visited by 14,000 people since Monday, quips that Canadians "have the power to rescue a progressive American from four more years of George W. Bush ..." Some 300 potential suitors have signed up.
Designed to make a statement rather than function as a dating service, it offers no way for participants to actually get in touch with one another.
Buty Byrne saya the site, launched in late October, has taken on new life as a forum for disgruntled Americans to vent about the election results.
"It's now acting as a kind of guestbook for people looking to let off some steam over all this," she said.
Molly, of New York, wrote: "I'm growing increasingly discouraged with this place and am ready to jump ship before it's completely sunk. Help me to get out of here! I'm really sweet."
Michael in Toronto wrote: "Not only will I marry an American, but I'll marry several. Rules against polygamy be damned, I have to get you people out of there!"
Torontonian Justin Stayshyn signed up as soon as he stumbled on the site. "I just wrote that Americans would be a welcomed contributor to the level of hotness up here," he said.
Stayshyn, who's gay, also attempted to lure Americans by telling them about Canada's moderate policies surrounding gay marriage and marijuana usage.
"I understood that it isn't really a dating service and more something that's just funny, but now it's a little different. It's less of a laughing matter."
.... Also, I REALLY agree with Carla MacDonald of Salt Lake City, Utah.
"The irony that the further right the U.S. leans (i.e. the more conservative, the more isolationist, the more certain that the Almighty is on their side, etc.), the more it resembles its so-called "enemies." seems to be lost on the majority of Americans."