Something happier today. :D
"What kind of 'tea' was your order again?"
"... er ... a BLT."
XD It was understandable the first time (we carry over five kinds of caffeinated teas and another 5 herbal ones), and it HAD been a long day with 2x the amount of customers the first time ... but ....
Mom: I don't suck that much!
Me: ... only if it wasn't the second time.
Mom: But there was a long time between this happening!
Me: .......
Mom: Honest! It's only the third time!
XD It's one of those things that doesn't read as well, but if you read it out loud, you'd get it.
For those of you who don't know, BLT stands for BaconLettuceTomato, a sandwich standard/shorthand. :3