Star Trek Fic Masterlist

Jul 26, 2011 09:26

Persistence is a Virtue  |  For ksvalentine 2013
PG - Kirk/Spock - Humor, Crack, Romance (I'd put it at a 40%-50%-10% spread)
Despite Bones, Klingons and his own self-sabotaging cleverness, Jim Kirk manages to have a happy Valentine's Day.

The Old Hall Wreathed | For ksadvent 2012.
R - Kirk/Spock - Romance, Humor, Crack, Christmas, Five Plus One
(At least) five times Spock was caught under the mistletoe, and once it was with the person he wanted.

Under the Dark [ Prologue] [ CH1] [ CH2] [ CH3] [ CH4] [ CH5] [ CH6] [CH7] [CH8] [Epilogue]
NC-17 - Kirk/Spock - Romance, Horror, Supernatural, Mystery
Spock might be Riverside’s first ever vampire, but forgive Deputy Kirk for not being overly enthusiastic about it.
[This is my 2011 startrekbigbang fic! Check back the fifth of NEVER ohgodohgod for the whole shebang, and art and a fanmix!]

The Maenads Sang Fo ksvalentine 012.
NC-17 - Kirk/Spock - Romance, PWP
23rd century AU, same universe as Oh, the Weather Outside is Frightful. Prompt: "Seven minutes in heaven." Also pheramones, explosives, and airships.

Oh, the Weather Outside is Frightful  | For ksadvent 011.
NC-17 - Kirk/Spock - Humor, PWP
 23rd century AU. While driving back from a conference on Christmas Eve, interplanetary law firm partners Kirk and Spock are forced off the roads by a blizzard.
Le pas de deux [ Scene I ] [ Scene II ] [ Scene III ]
PG-13 - Kirk/Spock - Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
For ksadvent 2011. Prompt: "Ballet AU: It's Nutcracker time for The Federation's "Enterprise Ballet Company". Young, bold, and rakish Jim Kirk is brought in to ramp up the Company's end of year performances, after a not so great season earlier in the year. Spock, the lead Principal dancer is not pleased, but cannot help but be attracted to the charismatic Jim. Bonus points for: Christmas eve, drinking hot cocoa together backstage/dressing room/in the wings, and finally Jim talking Spock into dancing with him on stage. Curtain's magically opening to a live audience... or its already open, and just the two of them, either would be great."

Masquerade [ Prologue] [ CH1] [CH2] [CH3] [Epilogue]
M - Kirk/Spock - Romance, Action/Adventure, Mystery, Suspense
"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person.  Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth." While the rest of the crew is enjoying their shore leave on a planet gone mad with a wild global festival, Spock and Kirk find themselves unwitting opponents in a strange game of hunter and hunted.
For kianspo - Untitled Kirk/Spock Christmas-flavored fluff
Pretty Paper, Pretty Ribbon |  For space_wrapped 2012
R - Kirk/McCoy - Fluff, Humor, Crack, Christmas, Five Plus One
Five times Jim found his Christmas present (and the one time he was allowed to open it). Alternatively, five times McCoy failed to hide Jim's Christmas present (and the one time he succeeded).

Ham, or, The Dog that (Almost) Ate the Enterprise | For space_wrapped 2011
PG-13 - Kirk/McCoy - Humor, Horror, Mommy!Bones
Prompt: "It's not like life on the Enterprise is ever calm, so of course Jim's Christmas gift to Bones tries to eat them all". With guest appearances by unclaimed prompts 59 and 61: “Mistletoe shenanigans!” and “Someone hijacks the comm system and blasts holiday music. Bones is… less than pleased. Jim finds his reaction hilarious”."
Other Pairings
You Eighteen Yet? [ 1st] [ 2nd] [ 3rd] [ 4th] [ 5th] [ +1]
M - McCoy/Chekov - Humor, Romance, Action/Adventure
Five times Bones asked the kid how old he was, and the one time he didn't have to. Cute and/or sexy times with the good doctor and his bit of Russian jailbait. (This story now has a translation into Česky/Czech by the lovely and talented Hikina.)

Try the Kiwi Thing
PG-13 - Bones/Sulu - Romance, Angst, Cooking Witchery, Valentine's Day
Wherein Jim owns a bistro, Gaila is a flaky bimbo, and Sulu feels sorry for the poor dateless guy at table sixteen.
In Research and Development
Best Man
M - Kirk/Spock - Romance, Humor
23rd Century Lawyer AU, part III. "You are cordially invited to the wedding of Mr. Montgomery Scott and Miss Nyota Uhura. Because the lovely lady lost the coin toss, the wedding will be held in Bumfuck, Scotland, on May the 7th, in Mr. Scott's drafty-ass ancestral castle. Kilts optional. Blizzards possible." Crack unavoidable.

North Pacific [Prologue] [CH1] [CH2] [CH3] [CH4] [CH5] [CH6] [CH7] [Epilogue]
M - Star Trek - Humor, Romance, Action/Adventure
Academy AU. Cadet Kirk’s summer research project might be infinity more boring than he’d signed up for, but at least there’s the sand and the surf and the... alien escape pods?
That Place on the Corner [CH1] [CH2] [CH3] [CH4] [CH5] [CH6]
M - Kirk/Spock - Humor, Romance, Action/Adventure
Wherein the life of an intergalatic celebrity is hard, Jim Kirk is the worst landlord ever, there are Klingon brides, and demure Professor Spock is not afraid to get his hands dirty. Dickens' Pickwick Papers, STXI-style.

Circuitry and Spark [CH1] [CH2] [CH3] [CH4] [CH5]
T - Kirk/Spock - Romance, Action/Adventure, Sci Fi
Spock is a Vulcan-series android built by the talented Amanda Grayson, and he's come to the capital of the Federation to take the Revised Turing test and register as a free sentient being and citizen. The Orion-built pleasure 'droid Jim is there on similar business, having escaped his masters and sought asylum in the Federation.

Lusus Naturae [CH1] [CH2] [CH3]
K+/T - Kirk/Spock - Action/Adventure, Mystery, Supernatural
Possible Halloween 2012 fic: Kiddy!Trek, with the added fun of being a wizards!AU. 12-year-old wizard's apprentice Jimmy Kirk sets out to find his familiar and discovers a cat in trouble! There will be lots of gratuitous fluff and liberties taken with Latin, spells, and the like.

Leonard McCoy's Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Week
M - Spock/McCoy, Kirk/McCoy, McCoy/Chapel - Pure PWP crack. Transporter malfunctions, sexswaping, sex pollen, and brief appearances from the Mirrorverse and Klingons.
Bones is having a very bad week, for various reasons.
[Sunday] - Wherein Montgomery Scott is a Dead, Dead Man
[Monday] - Wherein Battle is Avoided Through the Judicious Application of Cleavage
[Tuesday] - Wherein Jim Kirk is Allergic and Spock is... Fascinated
[Wednesday] - Wherein Vulcans are Avoided and Mirror-Selves are Coldcocked
[Thursday] - Wherein Uhura Mans Up and Chapel Chills Out
[Friday] - Wherein Everything Comes to a Head (Stop LAUGHING, Jim)
[Saturday] - Wherein Everything Returns to Normal, Except for One Thing


star trek, masterlist

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