Well, we're almost at the end!
All that's left is to find Nockmaar and take down Bavmorda!
If only I could draw, I'd do an artist's rendering of Action Willow to comemmorate the impending conclusion of this thing.
First of all, I neglected to mention in the previous update, but Tir
Asleen has a new enemy type, seen here:
These guys behave like skeletons, but without shield, so there's no
strategy at all to fighting them.
...Anyway, we've left the castle, and, on a whim, head back towards that
cave with the blocked door, only to see our friends, the bees
Brownies again...
This looks like the secret cave.
Looks like it.
Be careful Willow!
Careful, careful!
Rool want a cracker?
The chest that was blocking that side-tunnel is gone, leading me further
And now, for the final shield upgrade of the game!
"You have the Fury Shield."
"The shield that is cursed by anger and hatred."
Sweet, a limpet mine for a shield!
And continuing on, we wind up here:
Look familiar? Yep, it's where I got the Healball earlier.
Let's go south and visit that old guy that taught me Thunder again, just
for the heck of it.
You are no doubt the chosen one who can save the world.
I thought so the first time I met you so
I taught you the special magic word called Thunder.
You should rest here.
According to rumor, the Crest of the Spirits is in the hands of Sorsha,
Bavmorda's daughter.
Hooray, I'm special!
Well, nowhere else to go but north.
Heading up the stairs, the dusk casts a pall over my destination:
Well, let's say hi to that guard there.
What are you doing here!
This is not a place for the likes of you.
Fine, you wanna fight? ...Nah, I'd own him in five seconds. Let's try
seeing how he likes a slime crawling into his metal shorts!
And with that, he buggers off, leaving me free to crawl inside.
Nice purple bricks, huh?
I'm Abang, a warrior of the Eagle Clan.
Why do you have my Wing Sword?! Oh, Adik must have given it to you.
Now I can put my strength behind my sword!
......But it looks like the door to Nockmaar castle cannot be opened
without a key.
I think Airk
Was saying that the old woman he rescued from this castle has the key.
I haven't seen
Her though.
I must note that the first time I played this, when I was just a lad, I
thought that this guy was Airk again.
Anyway, after he says "put my strength behind my sword," the screen
flashes. Let's go see if anything special happened!
Holy crap! The Wing Sword got a helluvan upgrade, making it nearly as
strong as the Devil Eye sword :O
A key, huh? I guess I'd better go take care of that... but first, I
reckon I ought to take care of the other big thing that's been waiting
for me this whole time.
Believe in the words, Willow!
Sweet, it worked.
Thank you Willow.
I knew you could do it.
I had better put all
Of my energy into using this cane.
I can help out in the battle, but you're the one prophecy says will
finally defeat Bavmorda.
Okay, the "cane" (it's a wand, in case you forgot) has been made into
some sort of wonderful hand-held engine of destruction. Let's go talk to
that old lady and get that key!
...Crap, she's gone. Let's see that one woman who told me about her to
begin with, shall we?
Is it you again?
The Key to Nockmaar castle? I know nothing of such things.
Please leave now!
Well, screw you as well, lady. Ever get your ass kicked by a midget?
Let's try that one weird house west of town.
What! You've met Airk!
I have cautiously kept the key to Nockmaar castle for him.
Could you hand this over to Airk.
"You have the key to Nockmaar castle."
That wasn't a rhetorical question, so you have no excuse for not using a
question mark, ma'am >:|
There's the key. Whee.
With it, I head back to the castle, and find some locked doors...
although one of them is still locked. How odd.
The castle is fairly straightforward, but it's possible to spend a pretty
long time exploring it, because of doors like this one:
Looks innocent enough, right? Let's step through it.
Fortunately, if you've been making a map, it's easy enough to figure out
where you are.
A bit more wandering around, and...
Oh look, it's everyone's favorite swordsman in distress. *sigh*
I'm Sorsha, daughter
Of the great
Queen Bavmorda.
You can no longer escape. Go to blazes with this man.
"Willow threw the Powder of Unrequited Love at Sorsha...... but Sorsha
dodged it and the powder got on Madmartigan."
......Sorsha. Ah dearest Sorsha! I love you.
You are my moon and my sun in the clear blue sky. Without you I am in
Sorsha! You are being fooled! Your eyes are overflowing with justice and
Sorsha, I do not believe the prophecy. There
Is no chosen hero.
If there is a hero, every living creature in the world is it.
All of us
Of the Daikini clan, the Nelwyn clan, the Eagel clan with the wings, and
the rabbit like Nail clan are it.
All are living to their fullest, and the effort put forth into living is
the greatest strength in the world.
Sorsha your strength is necessary now.
Let's give
Our strength to Willow!
So, he's turned into a hippie thanks to the love dust. That's just WEIRD.
Thank you Madmartigan. I feel like I've awakened, Willow, the Crest of
the Spirits should be in a treasure chest in the cave below this castle.
That's it? None of this action?
How disapointing.
Okay, let's go down and get that crest!
There it is. Let's just take it and
Oh, damn it all.
I gues I'll just go back up and see if I can find it there.
Getting darker...
Why do I smell boss?
It's too late! I've already given the Crest of the Spirits to Bavmorda!
Ha ha ha!
Okay, let's fight.
Huh, that was it?
Seriously, he's absurd. If you stand above him and pound B constantly, he
can't really do anything to him.
From here on, most of the castle is bridges connecting ladders, until we
get here:
Oh no, suspicious-looking empty room!
I didn't think you would make it so far. But this is as far as you go!
As soon as I seal the Spirit's Crest.
I will never have
To be afraid of higher powers or men.
I will be immortal.
Ha ha ha!
Heeeeeere she will be, born to be queen, she will be princess of the
Unfortunately, I didn't have enough MP to finish the fight, so you won't
get to see the ending until the next update. Sorry! :(
Next time: Bavmorda! And the ending!