Let's Play: Faxanadu! part four

Jul 24, 2007 01:24

This update was delayed due partly to my becoming extremely frustrated with the game's
and partly by my decision to buy Pokemon Diamond to go with Ariel's Pearl.

Wearing the Pendant around my neck, I returned to Mascon seeking any further guidance the
people had for me.

What connection could the tower have to the town that bears its name? I doubted I would ever
find out...

While I enjoyed the wench's compliment, I thought it very strange. Most women preferred to
refer to something else entirely when they flirted with me.

Strangely, I hadn't noticed any difference in my attacks since putting the Pendant on...

None of the other townspeople had anything more to say to me, so I made haste in stocking up on
potions and keys before departing again.

This modest building housed a shopkeeper who sold me the magic of Death for a far more modest
sum than the one in Apolune wanted.

Continuing forward, I came upon yet another town. The people I met were listless and quiet, as
if a great sadness had fallen upon them.

When I asked this woman the name of the town, she merely shook her head and mumbled something
before continuing on her way.

Within one house, I met a couple who had more to tell me about my quest, but not without some

The town's keysmith had a stock of keys marked "K," of which I bought several. The armory,
however, had a real treasure for me:

I, of course, eagerly bought the armor and set about putting it on.

It had been so long since I had felt anything covering my legs that it took some getting used
to it again, but, for the first time, I truly felt as if I was prepared for whatever would
come my way in my quest.

Pressing forward, I encountered a number of strange new creatures:

Flying creatures resembling the squid of the far-off ocean. Unlike those beasts, the flesh of
these creatures proved far too stiff to serve as food.

Clusters of small bees moving in concert to harass me, which were easily dissuaded by my sword,
and a fairly harmless tentacle, which muttered something about teenagers touching his meteor
before I stabbed it. With them gone, another being appeared:

The wizard hovered in the sky, shooting a fireball at an unknown target before vanishing and
reappearing elsewhere. Because he seemed uninterested in attacking me, I let him be.

In another isolated building, I met this old man. Instead of cryptic advice, however, he
actually provided me with something useful:

I asked him what he meant by that, and he only said he trusted me.

Eventually, after visiting a dead-end castle that held naught but monsters, I found a pair of
houses which had doubtless once been matched stone for stone, but were now crumbling.

The house on the right was locked, with the mark of "Ace" over the lock, but the left house's
door opened freely.

The entrance to the Tower of Mist was guarded by a large yet agile Dwarf, who put up more of a
fight than I'd expected, but still fell to my sword.

Within were more Dwarves, wearing blank masks and wielding maces, who barely presented a threat.

Even the ones wearing full plate and pointed helmets broke like water.

I could smell its breath before I heard it. Unfortunately, its heavy blows were more than a
match for its breath, and it took nearly all my strength to penetrate its thick skin and land
the killing blow, giving me access to an Elixir.

The creature I'd discovered running amok in an abandoned house had a cousin. I gave him a taste
of steel and continued forward.

Another armed dwarf, this one blue and unable to climb the ladder to reach me.
Beyond him was another hideous, foul-breathed head creature. After a mighty struggle, I
destroyed him and touched the Meteorite.

As promised, as I held it in my hands, the nearly-black lump of rock seemed to dissolve,
revealing a beautiful, polished round stone, black and subtly banded with white. I felt a
surge of power within my bones, and knew that my quest would be finished soon with the Black
Onyx in my posession.

I returned to the man who'd asked to see the Onyx.

Using the key on the door beside him, I found myself in another new area, though one that felt
somehow familiar to me:

The one-eyed beast sprang from the ground, presumably wanting to prevent me from leaping onto
the upper level, but only meeting my sword.

Soon enough, I found the ancient city of Conflate.

The city had the air of one which had once been a great and prosperous center of trade, but had
fallen upon hard times within recent years. It also featured the first armed guard I had seen
since leaving Eolis.

The Grand Guru of Conflate had once been the religious leader of all the elves of the World
Tree, setting the policy by which all elves prayed and conducted themselves; I even recall
seeing him visit the king in Eolis when I was a small child. But now, he seemed to wish only
to remain holed inside his temple...
The residents of the town told me of the city's former glory days in the years before the
Metorite turned the Dwarves' minds towards conquest and destruction:

When the merchant saw me enter, his eyes lit up. He asked if I was the one who was sent by the
King, and when I said yes, he opened a chest and presented me with a blade that had been an
heirloom in his family for centuries.

Taking the weapon without paying didn't feel right, so I paid him an extraordinary sum and left
to equip it.

Even as I felt the strength of this new weapon in my hand, I also felt the fatigue of the past
few days catching up with me, and met briefly with the Grand Guru before retiring to a cot in
the inn.


Can you spot the hidden message in this password? :V

Anyway, there are only a couple more towns and a handful of dungeons and bosses left in the
game; hopefully I can get through them quickly.

Words cannot express how much I hate this game.

platformer, nes, faxanadu, let's play, rpg

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