Title: Just Like You
Author: Nakimochiku
Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: Hichi x Ichi
Disclaimer: bleach no mine
Warnings: slightly disturbing
Notes: drabble... Shiro's pov
I Bet the world looks like it's spinning too fast, out of your control, away from sense. King, nothing was ever in your control, not even me. I bet you're wondering why the world is dim, why your fingers feel cold, why you taste blood in your mouth. If I were anyone else, maybe my emotions would be different. I pity you. I want to kss your lips now that their cold and still. I bet you're choking, wondering at the feel of our kiss. I bet you're gasping for air. I could be like you. I could be pathetic like you. After all, i was born from you. but we're too different. I took chance where there was none. It'll be over soon King. I want to shush and cuddle now that you're unable to resist. Maybe we're alike, but i'll never be your copy. don't worry King. i'll be back for you. I take you're hand. It's strangely warm. you grasp my fingers, eyes flickering in recognition. Then i stand up, turn to the enemy and laugh. i bet you're lips still tingle. I'm just like you, so i should know.