Title: Love is War
Author: Naki-sama
Fandom: Hetalia-Axis Powers
Couple: Prussia x Austria
Rated: PG-13
Disclaimer: why would i want this to be mine? the epic guy who wrote this put enough yaoi hints for even my cravings!
Note: it's a drabble!
A Young Germany didn't understand. Prussia didn't blame him. Austria was still weak from his defeat, and Prussia was feeling good about it. He and Austria were bound to do this for a long time. And Germany didn't understand that. Didn't understand his Brother's and his old Caretaker's relationship. It was weird. but he wanted to know. His blue eyes gazed up at his big brother as he asked "why do you always kiss Austria after you fight?" Prussia's eyes glittered with malice, not reall seing his brother as he rubbed the head of soft gold locks. "Because Love is War. and we're always at war."