Once again, it has been forever since I updated this. What up, college.
Oooh I am having FEELINGS. And actually remembered my lj exists, what?
Ok, first of all, Glee, I am enraged at you for tonight's episode.
What was that shit? Schue was even more of a dick than usual, which he realized and which was good I guess? but I kept expecting something funny to maybe emerge from that trainwreck on Sue's part and throw it back in his face, thereby bringing the sunny, but no. She had to be ~emotional~ or some shit? Not to mention I wanted to throw up in my mouth a little every time they came near each other. Also, Quinn's dance was basically mortifying to watch with my parents in the room (not that the rest of the episode wasn't...). What happened to the lulz of the first half of the season? Other than the babydrama, at least. Also, there was no Emma in the episode. In sum, the only redeeming qualities of this ep were Puck and Finn being idiots, Quinn being Quinn, and Terri creeping in a hilar, yet creepy, way. But at least next week is the finale. Glee, we shall see. Will you continue to bring shame to me and my family? Only time will tell.
Moving on! Summer has begun, and after almost a month of inactivity, I am surely going insane. Well. More insane. I'd like to get a job, but a) that's hard and b) I don't want to get one if it's only for a month. My dreams of going to Japan have probably been crushed at this point, but I haven't let go quite yet. Also, c) who is even hiring? I do get to work, like, one day a week at LoC, which is predictably-soul sucking, as today proved. (Which reminds me, I got <3 hours of sleep last night. It is now 10pm. I have not slept.)
Fuck, where did my freshman year go? I'd like to go back to Boston, but really... what do I have to do there, either? Answer: nothing. Also, I am taking calc (alongside biochem) next semester, which means I am utterly, completely, irrevocably screwed. Unless I can somehow figure out how to do math.
...Now that thought process has led me, in turn, to: wtf am I going to do with my future? Ha! Well.
yeah, I definitely don't remember how to do this with HTML
Places Sarah REALLY wants to go:
Copenhagen. :<
Tokyo. At least this summer.
Antarctica, because why the hell not?
Montreal. Quebec City too, possibly.
Nova fucking Scotia. Don't question me.
Let's just throw Norway in there too for the sake of completion.
New Zealand would be pretty cool.
The Deep South. This is not a burning need, but rather a matter of curiosity.
Mm, let's throw Alaska in there too.
It would be pretty sweet to do that Ecuador program with BU, ngl.
And while I'm thinking of South America, I always thought it'd be pretty cool to go to Buenos Aires! ooh and Patagonia/Tierra del Fuego. :)))
And like... Hong Kong or Beijing. Preferably both.
Thailand, too. Preferably a tourist area where I wouldn't get kidnapped. :(
Somewhere awesome in the South Pacific! Ever since that algebra II project, what can I say.
...Are we noticing a trend here? Or a complete SHUNNING of complete continents/areas of the globe? I sure am. Well, to be fair, there's not many places I absolutely would never want to go.
OKAY! Next item: my creepy obessions, video game edition!
The Last Remnant, aka yet another JRPG that I will never actually play but which I now know everything I could want to about, and which is, to quote someone whose journal I probably recently stalked, "hella gay."
Disclaimer: I stole this! From
amei ...Well, okay, that picture is taken completely out of context, but still. Oooh, and adding to the reasons I will never play the game (besides my non-existent attention span) is this lovely little thing~
warriors_honor, put together by a kind soul who I probably have also been stalking a little, which handily summarizes the "plot" and provides convenient youtube videos for my enjoyment. If you watch them, you too can experience the joys of DAH-VEED'S, uh, ...accent, and his, uh... unfortunately-shaped... cannon...
yeah, I just capped that from youtube, wanna make something of it?
Oh, and also the fandom is almost non-existent! So! That's fun. And it makes my stalking even more creepy. See also: unabashed stalking of these two at camp.
And yeah, I went out and found and uploaded this icon just for this post. One of my faboo Joshua icons got the boot, because sorry Joshua, your angryface was just not getting enough usage. And yeah, I totally changed my desktop wallpaper :)
Okay, an hour is probably too long to spend making an LJ post. I am done! I swear!