You'll have to pick, there's actually two Glory ponies (found a second one after I did the first post). ^^;
Ahh...*looks to see which one she is* Yeah, I have her. I managed to get that set (Sweet Song/Cupcake/Shennagins...uh, forgot the fourth one) from Wal*Mart when the three packs were out.
Okay. I think those are the only ones offhand that I don't want to keep, and probably the only ones you don't have. *curls up in her blanket and wanders off*
Well, I'm still missing the second set of Target babies if you happen upon them, actually. All I can find here are ... um ... The first two--the yellow and pink ones with hats. And the Family Dollar ponies (the closest Family Dollar is a little farther than I want to go for pony hunting if I can help it).
I'm shocked, I actually managed to find a fic with Reno/Rufus that I liked...that you didn't write. :D And even better, all of them seemed pretty in-character. Especially Rufus. You've probably seen it already, but if you haven't: Tradition.
Saw it. :D (There is very little with that pairing on that I haven't matter how much it might scar me. I'm still having issues with the existance of the 14-year-old Rufus falls instantly in love with Reno the first moment that he saw him fic that had the review about Rufus in a wedding dress.) I liked it for how quickly the author managed to show the evolution in Rufus' character among other things. (Finding someone else that can cram that many pairings into a fic without making me want to cry that not -everyone- has to be paired off was nice, too.)
And the random Tseng/Elena moments, because that was just cute for some reason when seen from Reno's POV. ^^;;
Comments 7
Do you have a Sweetsong I by the way? I might clean out some ponies myself.
Ahh...*looks to see which one she is* Yeah, I have her. I managed to get that set (Sweet Song/Cupcake/Shennagins...uh, forgot the fourth one) from Wal*Mart when the three packs were out.
Okay. I think those are the only ones offhand that I don't want to keep, and probably the only ones you don't have. *curls up in her blanket and wanders off*
And the random Tseng/Elena moments, because that was just cute for some reason when seen from Reno's POV. ^^;;
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