(no subject)

Jun 24, 2006 06:52

Why the hell am I up at 6:30am on a Saturday? o_O

Leaving this one public because I feel like it. Just pictures from cons anyway. The report itself will likely be locked...if I ever get it written. ;)

I will be back with the AB photos, but there's over 100 of them.

Anime Mid-Atlantic 2006

This was the first con where both the Olympus and Canon got used, and it was actually nice once Jay grabbed the Canon from the room because we always had a camera on one of our persons. Not that we found a lot of Shinra (or even FF7!) cosplayers to photograph.

Grey from Inhuman

Reno (who we ran into repeatedly) and Vincent.

Reno again and the Reno-from-Katsucon-who-wasn't-Reno (I forgot your name if I ever got it; sorry!!)

And again.

Me crashed on the bed somewhere between trips down to the con. Opened my eyes to see the camera pointed at me.

Another Reno

alaturk in what the other con-goers eventually dubbed the "pimp Rufus" outfit.

Another Reno.

Cait Sith and Tifa Moogle

Tifa Moogle's sign

AC group (the Vincent's claw was AWESOME!) and an Organization XIII member

alaturk and I after we recruited our friend from AUSA to take photos.

Sailor Uranus

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