Title: The Danger of Love
Genre: Humor/Romance
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Rating: PG-13 for swearing, innuendo
Spoilers: Takes place sixth year; if you haven't read that far, what are you doing here?
Disclaimer: No, I do not in fact, own these characters, minus Mathias... well, I don't really own him either, because he's based off of another character
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Comments 10
Anyway, I can't wait to see how the story unfolds.
...That being said, what was my SNL reference? Either I forgot, or it was completely unintentional (which is scary).
Thanks again for reading!
By the way, that icon is <3
Hehe, way to go into fangirl mode XD OMG Draco's revenge plan is in action!!! :D I wonder if Hermione would notice in time ;) Hehe, loved the part about the blackmail, it seemed like the kind of thing that Draco would do. And, I don't know, something makes me tell that Mathias is being a liiittle fishy... I wonder what Draco's point of view of their story is... XD Hope that you post the next chapter soon!!
Mathias' story will come out later, for sure. >:D
Thanks so much for reading!
I'm thrilled to say the least:
can't help NOT trusting that Mathias-guy . . . there's something about him that's just WRONG.
I love the fact your Draco's just the git we all know (and love) while being kinda adorable - what a nice contradiction! ;P
Had to lol at the last three paragraphs - it's really YOU who's brilliant!
So sad to hear you'll be away for so long! :( Can't wait till you're back to post again!
I'm glad you like Draco's characterization! It's not that I find him horrible to write, but sometimes he's tricky... it gets weird. But hopefully I've been consistent. ^^;;
Hopefully, I'll be able to post one more chapter before I'm gone. Thanks for reading (and I love those last paragraphs too, haha)!
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