After they finished eating, Keichan walked into the kitchen part.
And I wanted to say 'happy birthday' to him but still be fear at the 1st time...
then he went back to his seat.
I still wanna say that...
But I didn't know how should I call him and I asked everybody.
'What should I call him? Koyama , Keiichiro, Koyama-san or Keichan or anything???' (>/////////////<)
And while I was thinking about that I heard some girls called him "Keichan' (Well~ I would call him that too XD)
The 2nd time Keichan walked ...
One guy from the shop beside their shop came and gave him a big bouquet for his b-day (and one bottle of alcohol too)
(me ... still stood staring him walked passing me LOL~)
The 3rd time
(my thought -> I WOULD CALL HIM THIS TIME!!!)
Keichan walked passing me
Pear "K.. Kei-chan" (lower noise) and...
Keichan ... walked passing me again .... both of went to the kitchen area and went back to his seat (T__T)
The 4th time
And I gave him one box of sweets and one of his pic when he came here.
He said 'DOUMO' again
And my senpai told him that this pic was from when you went to Thailand
Then Keichan noticed it and said 'THIS THIS!! SHIGE' (Well~ Keichan, Shige was taken only his back part, please not be excited - -" )
(The pic I mentioned , after gave him I came back to my country and I found I had only one LOL~ so lucky that my friend had it and she gave me :D )
And then Shige looked at me and bowed to me.
Keichan walked to his seat and Tego asked him to see his pic.
Keichan sent him both of pic and the present
Tego looked at Kei's pic but didn't say anything
And Shige looked at me again and he bowed again (LOL~ but just only your back and hat in the pic >< sorry Shige)
And Keichan tried to bow to me again...
After finished their dinner,
They went out to the car but only Shige , Tego and manager went together , Keichan walked back to his house.
Kei's mama also went out from the shop to send them back.
When she turned herself back , we said 'Okaasan,arigatou'
And we went back to the shop and picked all our stuffs up and went back home.
This is s my Golden week love story hahaha~
And I still had a chance to meet him about 3 times at his ramen shop and already finished one post if you want to read more