Welcome to the 2015 round of kpop_olymfics! Make sure you read the rules carefully before signing up. If you're interested in participating in this competition and joining a team, please read the instructions and then fill out the form in the middle of the post.
The Teams
Team Canon/Alternate Reality - Team Canon writers work within the current reality of K-Pop. The fics are set in the reality of K-Pop as it is right now, or has previously been, with no changes. They also have the option of writing Alternate Reality, which is set in the K-Pop world as we know it, but with a (realistic!) change to real life (such as a trainee who was cut from the group line-up making it into the group, a group's break-up never happened, an unpopular group became popular, etc). Most of the events in Team Canon/AR, however, are expected to be based on fandom facts. They may take place in the past, but may not take place more than one year into the future.
Team Alternate Universe - Team AU writers may set their stories in any universe they wish (except canon or future!). These new settings and situations may be as ordinary (coffee shop, college, hospital) or as unusual (airship pirates, futuristic space explorers, fantasy heroes on an epic quest) as you want. In the AU universe, K-Pop as we know it does not exist; though idols and idol groups may exist, the story must be set outside idol group life.
Team Future - Team Future writers will take K-Pop's current reality, but fast-forward a bit. Their stories will be set at least one year into the future, and speculate on what might become of our idols in the years to come. However, though these stories may be set very far in the future, they must avoid going into science fiction territory; there are no major changes in technology (such as teleporting, holographs, idols becoming indestructible robots, etc).
How to Sign Up
Please list three groups you would like to write for, in priority order for how likely you are to write them (the one you will most likely choose is #1, least likely is #3). These, along with your team preference, will be taken into account when assigning teams; we will try to achieve a roughly even distribution of groups across the teams.
This year, we're changing it up a little. You will not be assigned a group. Instead you may write for any of the three groups in your sign up. Though you may only write for these three groups, you may switch between them during the writing period without notifying any of the mods. Pinch-hitters may choose to write for the groups of the writer they're replacing for that prompt, but they are not required to; they may write for any group they wish.
Please also list your team choices in priority order. Though you aren't required to list all the teams, be advised that you may be put in a team you didn't request if there's not enough room on your desired team(s), so it's a good idea to rank all of them.
Available to pinch-hit:
Username: olymficsmod
Email: olymfics@gmail.com
2. Bigstar
3. Girl's Day
1. Future
2. Canon
3. AU
Available to pinch-hit: Yes
Disclaimer: these groups are not the ones the mods are choosing! (And the teams are not ranked in order of coolness of the mods; the coolness is equally distributed between us.)
100%, 15&, 2ne1, 2PM, AOA, A Pink, B1A4, B2ST, B.A.P, Big Bang, Big Byung, Bigflo, Bigstar, Block B, BTOB, BTS, CClown, CN Blue, DGNA, EXO, FT Island, f(x), Girl's Day, GOT7, Hello Venus, History, iKON, Infinite, Jay Park, JJ Project, JYJ, KARA, Laboum, Lovelyz, Mamamoo, Nine Muses, Rainbow, Red Velvet, SHINee, Sistar, SNSD, Spica, Super Junior, T-ara, Topp Dogg, U-Kiss, VIXX, Winner, ZE:A
Check back! We will be updating the list periodically as we get more sign-ups.
December 1, 2014 - Sign-ups open
December 14, 2014 - Sign-ups close
December 26, 2014 - Team assignments sent
December 31, 2014 - Prompts list posted
January 1, 2015 - Writing period begins
February 7, 2015 - Check-in
March 14, 2015 - Writing period ends
March 17, 2015 - Posting begins
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact the mods or comment on the info post. You can also follow @kpop_olymfics on twitter to keep up with all the Olymfics news. We hope to see you on one of our teams!
(Comments are screened. You may continue to sign up and edit your sign-ups until December 14th.)