Jul 24, 2011 02:42


An anonymous fic requesting and fic writing meme

Is there a fic you'd like to see written? Request it here!
Feel like writing but need an idea? Browse the requests!

THIS MEME MAY CONTAIN ADULT CONCEPTS. If you are under the age of consent in your home country, or are easily offended by adult material, consider yourself warned.


• Post requests as new comments to this entry. Fic responses should be posted as replies to their parent request.

• When filling a request, please add FILLED to the original subject line.

• Please put a warning in the subject line for any potential triggers.

• Read this post for the full list of rules and ask a mod before posting if you have any questions.

• Posts that break the rules are subjcet to deletion at the mods' discretion.

• Absolutely no bashing of any kind: pairing, request, or response. Take it to your journals if you must, but keep it out of here.

• Also, try your best to fill as many requests as possible! Put a smile on someone's face!

NOTE: Kinks can be defined by anything you like or have a preference for, not just porn.


Subject: ZE:A, Kevin/Kwanghee
Body: Kevin and Kwanghee having a sleepover. Hot chocolate and pillow fights and heart-to-heart talks on a hot July day. G-rated.

Here is a post of kinks and other such ideas that could be used as prompts.

Have fun!

We have made a delicious account with all of the fics documented. Please take a look and fill some prompts! We have 128 unfilled prompts compared to the 4 filled prompts. ): let's turn this back around and make this a successful kinkmeme so we can have another one!

WARNING: This section of the request meme will close at 1,000 comments. Please note that this is for requests only; you are still permitted (and are most definitely encouraged) to fill requests. Thank you for your time and for being cooperative with mods and for making this round successful!
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