2pm, gen, prompt 1
July 7 2011, 14:17:41 UTC
Wooyoung isn’t someone that really comprehends romance. It’s almost like when he was learning English for Dream High and the words wouldn’t roll off his tongue in the right way and he couldn’t figure out why. He’s not completely dumb in the relationship aspect, he knows what would get girls interested and what would get him slapped. The problem is, what’s he supposed to do once he’s got them hooked
( ... )
July 7 2011, 14:18:07 UTC
Jinki ducked under the bar table and whimpered. He was going to get Kibum for dragging him to a club when he had Orgo finals the next day. He had already failed that class once, and up until two hours ago, he had decided that he wasn’t going to fail a second time. Well, he sighed, that went down the drain. Currently he was trying to run away from the girl who had decided that he was the perfect candidate for bathroom sex, even after he had screamed into his ear that he was only into men. The strobe lights hurt his eyes, and he just knew that he would see those flashing on the paper tomorrow instead of chemistry equations.
“Hey,” someone screamed, and Jinki jumped to see a boy crouching down next to him. “What are you doing down here? You look really sketchy, come out.”
Jinki gave the intruder a sharp stare (this was his random space under the bar counter) before finally judging him safe. “I’m hiding,” he shouted back
( ... )
suju, donghae/hyukjae, prompt 4
July 7 2011, 14:19:27 UTC
"I have a rare tropical disease which will kill me unless I have sex within the next half hour," says Donghae. "With you. Sex with you." He's got one hand on Hyukjae's shoulder and the other pressed to his chest in an attempt at looking sickly and near death
( ... )
“Hey,” someone screamed, and Jinki jumped to see a boy crouching down next to him. “What are you doing down here? You look really sketchy, come out.”
Jinki gave the intruder a sharp stare (this was his random space under the bar counter) before finally judging him safe. “I’m hiding,” he shouted back ( ... )
The man took his glass from his lips, eyebrows raised. "I'm sorry?"
Jinki fidgeted with his drink and realized that this probably wasn't the best pick up line he could have chosen. There was a line that
came next, he was sure of it, but the man was staring at him expectantly with these big, doe eyes and the words muddled in his brain.
He glanced over his shoulder at Kibum, who mouthed, "don't be a pussy." No help there.
"Do you," he began slowly, becoming extremely interested in a spot on the floor somewhere behind the man's head, "want to be my
Poorly executed. He heard Kibum groan behind him.
The man just stared at him before letting out a great big bout of laughter, taking a few minutes before wiping his eyes to say, "I'm
Minho. And sure, I'll be your Robin. But I'm not wearing any tights."
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