Title: With Time - The Stress (part 13)
Pairing: Jinki/Gwiboon
Genre: Fluff/Slice of Life
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Arranged Marriage
Word count: 457
Summary: This is (hopefully) a different take on the arranged marriage au
unbetaed cuz I've already overloaded my betas with other projects and I don't want them to hate me ^^
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part 11 part 12 Taking care of a baby was difficult. Eunsook slept rarely, ate often and seemed the cry any time in between. Gwiboon couldn’t manage more than a few hours of sleep at a time and it was taking a toll on her health. Her mother was there to help, teaching her how to tie a diaper and the proper way to bathe an infant. However, her mother couldn’t be there all the time and Jinki was at work during the day. Many days this meant she was left all alone to care for the baby, tend to the house and cook dinner. It was too much. She was exhausted and frazzled all the time.
Everyday was a struggle, the baby demanding all her attention to the point she didn’t have a moment for herself. Even brushing her hair or finding time to change out of her sleep clothes became a chore. However, none of that seemed to matter once Jinki returned home every evening. The stresses of her day all seemed to melt away at the sight of his smile and the way he lit up with little Eunsook in his arms.
Gwiboon was tired. Gwiboon was stressed. Gwiboon couldn’t remember the last time she had a proper bath, but Gwiboon was also deliriously happy with her growing family.
She wouldn't change a single thing.
“Gwiboon! How do I do this?” Jinki called from the other room, shattering her little bubble of tranquility.
She peeled her eyes open, staring at the ornate ceiling above the bed for a moment longer before dragging her tired body away from the promise of sleep. In the months since the baby had arrived, Gwiboon had had very few moments to herself. Jinki, being the sweet and considerate man that he was, had promised to take care of Eunsook for the evening to let Gwiboon rest for a short time.
It had barely been ten minutes.
“What is the matter?” She grumbled, shuffling out to see what he needed.
Jinki smiled sheepishly, holding up the cloth square.
“You don’t even know how to tie a diaper?” She asked, part humored and part annoyed. “You are hopeless.”
“I’m sorry, love. Teach me?” Jinki requested, snaking an arm around her waist and planting a kiss against her cheek. The baby gurgled happily on Jinki’s hip, one little fist knotted in Jinki’s shirt and the other reaching out to her mother. Gwiboon still really wanted that quiet evening to herself, but maybe a loud evening full of Eunsook’s giggles and Jinki’s warm hugs would be just as good. Maybe even better.
“Yes, it is high time you learned and I will make sure you have lots of practice as well,” She joked, smiling despite herself.