Title: Cute Creepy (part 2/2)
Pairing: Jinki/Jonghyun
Genre: Fluff/Humor
Rating: PG
Word count: 1770
Summary: “It was creepy, Bum,” Jinki cried over Kibum’s obnoxious laughter. He had just wanted to pick up some Mexican food and instead had been worshipped by the hot cashier wearing a beanie and a dirty apron. Jinki had been so out of his element
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Comments 11
thank you!!!!!! glad you liked it~
i love how stricken jjong was, and how his romantic side took over and he just accepted his impromptu falling in love right away, while jinki kind of tried to reason at first that they didn't even know each other, but eventually failed bc well how can u not when u have this cute beanie boy working just round the corner?
"“Quit talking about my angel in such a vulgar manner,” Jonghyun called over his shoulder, already out the door." honestly this line describes them both so well, like u have this angel jinki on the one hand and innocent puppy jonghyun on the other and asdfghjkjhgfx FLUFF EVERYWHERE
i'm kind of bad at taking in such amounts of fluff lol but this was honestly sooo precious <3
thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the fluff overload~~~
I'm glad you enjoyed the story~
they are both so very adorable ~!
this is a very cute fic ~
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