They're supposed to be a fun, calm night leading into a relaxing weekend. Tonight, what happened at the end of my night, well, lets just say that if I were a drinking person I would be DRUNK right now.. I know nobody is reading this but I'm gonna type it out to just get it off my chest.
I work for a dry cleaner. Our hours are posted on the doors in plain sight, just like ever other business in the world. Yet we still get the idiot who ask us what our hours are when its right in front of their faces. Also, when we are pulling up someone's account we use their phone number. But before that, we try to be cordial and ask how the customer is doing and then asking if they are picking up or dropping off. Well, despite asking the important question of dropping off or picking up, we still get people who spout off a phone number before we even get the door open (if they are coming through the drive through).
Tonight, at ten minutes before we close (7PM), a guy comes in through the drive through, I open the door and ask the important question of Dropping off or Picking up... Well, unfortunately he was one of the ones who completely ignores that and just spouts off the number. He proceeds to walk to through my door with nothing in his hands, so I assume he is picking up. After a minute of trying to figure out why he standing there and the computer is telling me he has nothing to pick up, he finally tells me he is dropping stuff off. And not just a few pieces.. The man brings in not one but TWO full bags of clothes PLUS 7 pairs of pants that he didn't have in the bags.
At this point, it's not 6:55 PM and the store closes in 5 minutes. Had this been any other night of Monday-Thursday, I would have waited. However I don't work at my own store on Saturdays (as a side note, tomorrow will be my first Saturday off in over a month) so I stayed and invoiced and tagged clothes past closing.. an HOUR past closing.
Now the point of this is just a bit of a stress relief... If someone who is working in any type of service industry, they are there for a reason. Because they need the job to try and earn money to help better themselves. They are NOT there to be your (and by "your" I mean rich stuck up people who think they are better than everyone else) personal slaves. More needs to be said here but again, no one is going to read this other than me and I've been through this whole song and dance numerous times.. IT helps to type it out though...